“So, the government solve the crisis in school”

“Leaves opens to limit the free skolvalet”

“the Crisis in the Swedish school system should be broken – by the government to take a greater responsibility. “

“Stefan Löfven also opens to limit the free skolvalet. “

“– You should have the option to choose, but it should not be at the expense of equivalence, ” he says. “

“Kommunaliseringen of the Swedish school system was conducted nearly thirty years ago. The advantages and disadvantages have since been debated extensively. “

“with The Januariavtalet to Sweden now as a first step towards giving the state a greater influence over the school. Prime minister Stefan Löfven (S) and the minister of education, Anna Ekström (S) agree that it is needed to lift the school out of the crisis. “

“– Sweden has had one of the most high-performing and equitable school systems in the world. We’ll get there again, ” says Stefan Löfven. “

“the Architect behind the kommunaliseringen of the school was the then minister for education, Göran Persson. Stefan Löfven answers neither yes or no on the question of whether, with the benefit of hindsight, was a wrong decision. The social democrats have previously said no to a återförstatligande, while the Liberals pushed on. “

“– All times have their challenges. There is a strong points that the municipalities are involved in the school. Now we want to see what this can mean, ” says Löfven. “

“”the State needs to have a greater responsibility””

“Exactly how the role of the state in the school should look, will be investigated and negotiated between S, MP, C and L. the Leaves or Ekström does not want to give his details. “

“– But we agree that the state needs to have a greater responsibility, for likvärdighetens sake, ” says Löfven. “

“What do you solve for problems with a nationalization?”

“– It will be a later question, it is important now to take forward basis, ” says Anna Ekström.”

“the American school has for decades struggled with declining results. A third of students do not pass high school. Segregation increases, more teachers sjukskriver and lärarbristen is not. “

“To break the segregation and increase the equivalence is a government’s priority schools. Researchers have long pointed out the free skolvalet as a reason it looks like it does. Students from the resourceful home benefit, while students whose parents do not make the active choice to be punished. “

“Can change the free skolvalet”

“Löfven and Ekström are not satisfied with the progress. “

“– We assume that you will have the opportunity to choose, but it should not be at the expense of equivalence. It has with the educational outcomes to do, but it also has with the whole of our society to do. This is a typical example of what we mean when we say that we will have a stronger community and a safer Sweden. “

“Why do you want to keep it free skolvalet?”

” We are convinced that it is possible to reconcile such a possibility with a stronger equivalence. The free skolvalet is a presentation of the rules. Parts we can actually change it, ” says Anna Ekström. “

“She mentions, among other things, friskolors selection system. The system favors students who are born early in the year, or not move because the parents then have the opportunity to early to place their children in the queue. The government wants instead to private schools should have a system of rules that benefit the equivalence. How it should look is under investigation.”

“Betrayal vallöftet if vinstbegränsningar”

“You went to the options to limit the profits of the school, now betray you to that promise. How does it feel?”

“– It was an election promise from the social democrats. In Januariavtalet we have committed ourselves to is not in the government come forward with such proposals, it will, of course, we follow, ” says Ekström. “

“You want to introduce mobilförbud. But even today, teachers have to confiscate the mobiles. Not only is this mere symbolic policies?”

” today, a teacher who feels that the cell phone is bothering to argue with the student, or the support of a local decision. We want to reverse it. The starting point should be to on the lesson you have not cell phones with. Two-thirds of the teachers say that they are disturbed by mobile phones in the teaching process, every day, ” says Anna Ekström. “

“There is a lack of teachers in Sweden, how are you going to make the profession more attractive?”

“– We want to be sure to get more professionals working in the school. Teaching assistants, socialpedagoger and social workers. Many teachers testify that they are allowed to take great responsibility also in social matters. Therefore, it is important to strengthen the role of teachers, so that teachers may devote themselves to teaching, ” says Anna Ekström. “