if everything goes according to the plans of the city, to visit the occupied cooking Area, in the circle of 9 in five years, 900 people a new home. Others will work there, others stroll. Now this project has a face. Or perhaps more accurately: several faces. Because it is equal to four competitions, the winning projects imagine the city councils of Daniel Leupi, André Odermatt and Richard Wolff today, together with the developers: Two residential houses, a commercial building and a neighbourhood Park. The competitions were performed in parallel, but from one and the same jury assessed.

In the Jury of the developers of the three Sites, General Baugenossenschaft Zürich (ABZ), power plant 1 and Senn, real estate development, district representatives and representatives of the Department Green city of Zurich, is the Park responsible sitting alongside professionals. You have jointly decided on all the projects, because the district should work as a Whole, according to a media release. The aim is “to enable new forms of cooperation and exchange”. The developers try their hand at a Neuprägung of the site, under the name of “cook’s quarters”. This includes the following four individual projects:

high-rise with 180 apartments

the new cooking Site of a 70-meters is Dominated by high-rise. This is to show that a cooperative can work in the Vertical. The developer is ABZ, the cooperative, was awarded the contract to the office of Enzmann Fischer Architekten from Zurich for the project “Moeraki”. Enzmann Fischer have already designed the winning project for the customs house in district 5, another large cooperative project.

a view of the house with the slab set to the left. Image: Emanuela Vellone

in addition to the high-rise building, a bar with apartments, a wholesale distributor in the ground floor and a garden on the roof. A total of 180 apartments for around 70 million Swiss francs are planned for the ABZ-construction field.

residential and commercial
with 160 apartments

On the field, under the Client of the power plant 1 further 160 homes to be built. The Jury highlighted the project “Sale con Fritas” of the Studio, Trachsler Hoffmann from Zurich, but in particular, the “culture cluster” in the ground floor. In addition, the concept is to be praised, according to which the different areas of the house from the bottom to the top and more private.

The striking staircase leads from the end-to-end the ground floor to the 1. The upper floor, where a semi-public uses are provided. Image: Studio, Trachsler Hoffmann, Linda Suter

Notable is the planned cooperation with the children’s circus Chnopf, the uses, the Area today is also A culture – and circus hall can be used as a space of representation, but also for other occasions. The total cost for the project amounts to around 75 million francs.

For both residential construction projects is: ABZ and power station 1 rent the apartments according to the principle of cost rent. Currently, the expected monthly rents for a 4.5-room apartment from 1500 to 1800 francs.

commercial building

in Addition to living on the cooking Area, there is also a lot of commercial space. Around 10’000 square meters are planned in the project “blue rain” of Arge beetle stone & master and Murat Ekinci architect from Zurich. It should have a 5.5-Meter-high Shot a variety of commercial forms.

calls “blue rain”, the winning project for the commercial building. It is intended to facilitate the exchange with the environment. Image: beetle-stone master & Ekinci

The building is also the site character of the account, according to the Jury. So the facades would be designed, depending on the environment – in the direction of the Park, for example, with green-covered Pergola-columns. The creation of the project under the Client of Senn real estate development will cost around 38 million Swiss francs.

local Park

Finally, a neighbourhood Park is the “heart” of the future cooking area. He connects the three construction projects – and in a way, the plot of land with its industrial past: The legitimate former coal storage building is to remain as a “covered space”.

Should connect to the surrounding buildings of The neighbourhood Park with a converted coal warehouse. Image: Tom Schmid, visualizations, cancer, and a flock of landscape architects

Otherwise, the Name should be “Wild at Heart” of the winning project of cancer, and a flock of landscape architects program is: Wild, green and playful, the adjectives with which Christine Bräm, Director of Green city of Zurich, describes the Park. The cost for the Park and the conversion of the coal hall are expected to amount to 7.1 million Swiss francs.


you Like the plans for the cooking Area?

Yeah, the look great.
no, I don’t like.

Yes, they look great.


no, I don’t like.


41 votes

Yes, they look great.


no, I don’t like.


41 votes

The city Council wants to move forward after winning the vote last year, as the city of Zurich’s Voters said a clear ‘ Yes ‘ to his plans for the cooking Area. Until the beginning of 2021, the private plan should be available and the parish Council paid. At the same time this should also be submitted to the construction contracts for approval. The buildings are to be according to the developers until 2024.

owned by the city since 2013

Finance chief Daniel Leupi (Grüne) stresses that with the new buildings on the cooking Area to the number of non-profit housing could be increased. In addition, the city Council anticipate annual revenue of 700’000 Swiss francs from the building, real interest rates.

The city purchased the 30,000-square-meter Area for up to 70 million francs from UBS, after it had been taken in 2013 of squatters in hardware. It is the cooking heat AG, a trading company originally belonged to.

is The exhibition with all the Competition from Wednesday, 15. May to Sunday, 26. To see 2019 in the Competitive office buildings in the pavilion, morgartenstrasse 40, 8004 Zürich.

in addition to the four Projects present the winning projects in a small Open-Air exhibition in the district. The Vernissage will take place on Wednesday, 15. May from 16 PM to 20 PM, the exhibition runs from Thursday, 16. May to Friday, 14. June, on the Parking field opposite the hall road 85, 8047 Zürich. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 14.05.2019, 10:30 a.m.