The Canton Parliament has today completed its deliberations for the first taxi of the law in the Canton of Zurich. The debate was spread over three sessions and was extremely emotional – as is often the emotions come up, if the population over Taxi and taxi driver speaks. The starting point had been the dissatisfaction of many customers, who had complained of non-local drivers, dirty cars, and refused rides.

The law is a member of the Parliament majority, because of an “unholy Alliance” of the SVP, the SP, EVP, EDU and AL is formed. The taxi industry is satisfied. Bitter opponents in the debate economy, Director Carmen Walker Späh (FDP), which represents the cantonal government, as well as the FDP and the GLP. You criticize the “Excessive” and “innovation hostility”. Also, the CVP and the BDP reject the law. The Green wanted none at all.

The final vote in Parliament will take place in the coming year. Both GLP as the FDP want to take the Referendum, the club Pro, night life of Zurich has announced a similar step. This means that it will come in 2019 to a popular vote. provides a Overview of the Taxi sector in Zurich:

the new law Applies only in the city of Zurich?
no, the taxi law is valid in the whole Canton of Zurich. This is new. So far, the cities and municipalities were responsible. Your influence will be limited in the future, to the allocation of the stands. The law means by the way, taxi law, but has been renamed the “law on the carriage of passengers with Taxis and limousines (PTLG)”. So you want to emphasise that limousine services – about 1600 driver inside and the driver meant.

What you need to do the driver?
you have to register once. And who doesn’t drive a “normal” cab with a light bar on the roof of the car, to write to his vehicle with a plaque. How this should look like is unclear. Politicians spoke of “vignette size”.

What is duty of this Registration?
All, the offer for money for a driving service, to have a level playing field. This is the slogan of the supporters. You are, among other things, that the black sheep disappear among the providers, which work is also often black. If vehicles are contacted, the easier it is to control work of the police. All drivers must comply with, for example, the statutory rest periods. Also, the vehicles must be registered. In the cantonal taxi register all of the companies are also listed, the Taxi or limousine services.

directed the law against Uber?
Yes and no. It is not a real Anti-Uber legislation, especially since the Jekami service Uber Pop was set. But, the US Online provider was the “elephant in the room”, as we say in the States. The SP-request that intermediaries of travel orders, must have their seat in Switzerland, was rejected.

services like Uber possible?
Yes, but the drivers have to log on as I said – the Canton, and you must draw your vehicle as a taxi service. This is also true for the discrete limousine services in the luxury area.

disabled transports Are affected?
no. Students, workers, ambulance and disabled persons transport are specifically excluded. Also not hotel transport and Car are affected-Sharing services.

Can anyone register?
no. The Canton of issued taxi ID badges only to persons who have a driver’s license for professional transport of persons, plenty of German (level B1, independent user application), not in the criminal register lists and in the last five years, in connection with the taxi business no Branches or have a criminal record.

What is it with the local test?
not applicable. And the municipalities may use their state-space permits to explicitly make use of a Orskundeprüfung.

the taxi badge for life?
no, after five years, you must submit a new application.

What is with competitors from other cantons?
If you do not have their headquarters in the Canton of Zurich, the registration and Sticker required for you. The opponents of the law said that Zurich limousine services would simply transfer their seat.

there Are, as in London medical Tests for the driver?
no, this is not provided.

What is the price of a Taxi?
It should be defined as it is today, a maximum tariff. That is the task of the governing Council, the Tariff is still unclear. Today, he is located in the city of Zurich, at 5 francs per kilometre. A minimum tariff, the SP suggested, it was rejected by the cantonal Parliament.

all of the Taxis and limousines have a taximeter, so an indication of the price?
The Taxis are obliged to do so. The limousine driver, must have no travel writer, lead it is obligatory that a travel book.

are Permitted to use taxi drivers in the bus lane?
The city or the municipality decides.

when is the law?
This is still unclear. But it is certain that the law – should it survive the referendum – a expiry period. The so-called Sunset clause is a Premiere: The law is only valid for 15 years. At the latest, after 12 years, it needs to check the Parliament. It could also be that the law will be attacked in court, because there are frictions with the help of federally guaranteed economic freedom. Also take care of the Federal passenger transport, and finally, said councillor Walker Späh.


Created: 10.12.2018, 14:41 PM