money tickles terribly. To keep up with the money in the bag still, so that no one will notice one’s own wealth: almost impossible. Money wants to be recognized. As we ourselves. And who is surprised? Money is, in essence, nothing more than metal and paper banned work. Say: People Energy. Deep in the core of the monetary abstraction, twitching and snorting and eating and dancing and screaming the spirit of millions to escape.

One would have to be Chuck Norris to hear that and to resist that impulse. Blessed with the hardness to a potato chip eating and to close the chip bag. But no one is Chuck Norris, not even Chuck Norris himself. … The blown gene Bank robber could whole blue festival with lamentations. Only a tiny Porsche to buy, who will notice?

A fortress of hedges

We don’t want to judge so hard about what we are met with a long walk through Zurich’s city borders. The path had just reached the edge of the forest, as to the right suddenly, a cyclopean green wall rose. Accurate before trimmed, about three meters high and several Hundred meters long, and back to jumping, like a fortress at Verdun, but from the thick bushes instead of stone. The bomb-proof entrance gate with camera would have used it: someone or something wanted to not be seen obvious.

the nature we know, the concept of mimesis. The walking leaf, the is recognize for robbers hardly as an insect. But this hedge? You would be like as an animal is long, the natural selection to the victim. You made us curious about something, what we would not be noticed without any camouflage at all. Therefore, we studied satellite images and found a structure that is vaguely reminiscent of Camp David. We felt a little like Russian spies.

The answer to all our questions is, of course, sobering Zurich. It has to do with a rich family and the financial industry. We heard in the village a couple of stories out of the Department “discretion and privacy”. But because we were kindly asked to the safety of the family for the sake of nothing to write about, we do not, for once, even on a location, and close with a commonplace of architectural history: Sometimes less really is more.

The weekly column “building zone” is dedicated to the many unusual, exciting, ugly, or somehow slanted houses that are everywhere in the Canton of Zurich. All of the about a hundred previously published articles, you will find a construction zone (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 11.12.2018, 13:04 PM