Sp.a submits a bill to tienerpooiers harder to tackle. “Now there is a discord in the prosecution of tienerpooiers,” says sp.a-chairman John Crombez.

Last weekend was the commotion about the song ‘Amigo’. Rapper Soufiane Eddyani took it to his friend Moreno, a rapper who tienerpooierschap was condemned. Today there was also criticism of the judicial circuit.

Read also the Antwerp rapper Soufiane Eddyani responds to the hoopla around tienerpooier: “Everyone deserves a second chance”

“There is no uniform policy on prosecution and justice jumps far too lax with the imposition of penalties by the convicted rapper,” says sp.a Member of parliament, Annick Lambrecht. According to sp.a is the penal code is not clear about the punishment of tienerpooiers.

“Now there is a discord in the prosecution of tienerpooiers”, adds Crombez. “The one is prosecuted on the basis of trafficking in human beings, the other on the basis of youth and prostitution so there is a not to justify the difference in punishment. Moreover, our criminal code is not adapted to new forms of digital sexual offences that often lie at the basis of the tienerpooierschap.”