In the new RTL/ntv trend barometer from Forsa, there are only two minor shifts compared to the previous week: while the Greens gain one percentage point, the SPD loses one percentage point. For all other parties there are no changes in the Sunday question.

The Social Democrats are now 18 percent, ten percentage points behind the CDU and CSU (28 percent). With 20 percent, the Greens are the strongest force in the traffic light coalition. In fourth place is the AfD (13 percent), followed by the FDP (7 percent), the Left (5 percent) and all other parties together (9 percent).

In the current surveys of other institutes in the past two weeks, the Union is between 27 and 30 percent, the Greens between 19 and 21 percent, the SPD between 16 and 20 percent, the AfD between 13 and 15 percent, the FDP between 6 and 8 percent , the left between 4 and 7 percent and all other parties together between 5.5 and 9 percent.

In the current ranking of politicians by Forsa, three people share the top spot with 45 trust points each: Schleswig-Holstein’s Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU), Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) and North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU). Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) follow closely behind with 44 points each. The greatest loss of confidence is in Habeck (-11 points) and Günther (-9 points).

Habeck (80 points), Baerbock (78), Scholz (79) and Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU/78) continue to enjoy the greatest trust among their own supporters. Among the supporters of the Union, Söder, Wüst (66), Merz (61) and Günther (60) follow.

The data on party preferences was collected by Forsa on behalf of RTL Germany from September 20th to 26th. Database: 2505 respondents. Statistical error tolerance: /- 2.5 percentage points. The data for the politician ranking was collected from September 21st to 23rd. Database: 1530 respondents.