Copenhagen is Ranked the Police have now identified a skeletonized corpse with clothes on, which is Friday, was found by a hundelufter at Svanholm Cricketklub in Brøndby.

There is a case of a 66-year-old woman, which has been called for since the middle of september.

It informs vagtchefen to Ekstra Bladet.

the Police packed up late Friday evening after found the skeletonized corpse. A very large area cricketklubben was blocked for several hours. Photo: Kenneth Meyer

– It is a woman, which has been associated with a location, which will be reported as departed away. There is nothing that suggests a crime, says vagtchef at Vestegnens Politi, Peter Grønbæk, to Ekstra Bladet.

112 – 4. jan. 2019 – at. 21:36 body found in the bushes at the sports club

the Body was found in a clump of bushes in a place where there are virtually only activity, when cricket is played in the summer.

Found was notified on Friday afternoon at 15.35 and the rest of the evening locked the police instead of, as forensic scientists, and kriminalteknikere be able to do their work.

Copenhagen is Ranked the Police report that the woman’s family has been informed.