Star Trek actor William Morgan Shephard died Sunday in a hospital bed with his wife at his side 86 years old. Morgan Sheppard was in his career best known for his roles in the famous Star Trek movies, ranging from the role as the commandant Pipe Penth in ‘Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country’ for the role as videnskabsministeren in Star Trek from 2009. He has also appeared in the section on The Schizoid Man’ in the tv series ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ as well as in the section Bliss in the tv series ‘Star Trek: Voyager’.

It writes multiple media including the Independent, the Daily Mail and The Mirror

Here is Morgan Sheppard in the role as videnskabsministeren in ‘Star Trek’ from 2009. (Photo: PR Photo)

Morgan Sheppard also appeared in the tv series ‘Doctor Who’ in the section ‘The impossible austronaut’, where he played the older version of the character Canton Everett Delaware III, while his son Mark Sheppard played the younger version of the character. Father and son have also starred as an older and younger version of the same character in the tv series NCIS.

the Day after his father’s death laid the 54-year-old Mark Sheppard a moving spread out on the instagram in honor of his late father, where he wrote the following:

‘We spent some time with my dad today. Although he could not speak, we held each other’s hands. He laughed and was happy to see us. We left him and went home. It was a good day. He was later suddenly taken to hospital and died at 6: 30 a.m. with my mother by his side. I’m so thankful, that he should not suffer more. Thank you for all your warm thoughts, and your love and prayers.’

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We went to spend some time with my father today. Though he couldn’t speak, we good hands, he laughed and was so happy to see us. We left and came home. A good day. He was rushed to hospital and passed to 6:30pm, my mother by his side. I am so grateful that he didn’t have to suffer any longer. Thank you for all your kind thoughts, love and prayers.

A spread shared by Mark Sheppard (@realmarksheppard) the

In a previous interview with WhatCulture have Morning Sheppard previously spoken out about his involvement in the Star Trek:

‘It is never just a new job. I have really enjoyed the challenges of Star Trek, because you must play characters that are a little bit bigger than life itself, and you have to find a kind of compassion for the characters who live in a foreign universe’

There are not come details about the reason for Morgan Sheppards death. He leaves behind his wife, his son Mark, and grandchildren Isabella, Will and Max.