Cuba is considered to be a crucial Player in the Venezuela crisis. The fraternization of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez 20 years ago, created a Win-Win Situation for both countries.

The “abiding friendship” between the governments of Cuba and Venezuela goes back to the former Venezuelan President, Hugo Chávez. He was an admirer of Cuba’s revolution leader Fidel Castro. 20 years ago, he led the “socialism of the 21st century. Century”. He was fascinated with the idea of Venezuela to Cuba to hand over, says the Venezuelan writer Alberto Barrera Tyszka. He has the Cuban-Venezuelan relations in his Chávez’s novel “the last days of The Comandante” lights.

“Chávez wanted to be a Hero, a myth, like Fidel. Little did he know that he would die young, and dreamed so that he could take Fidel’s place in Latin America. To established right at the beginning of his term, he had close relations using Cuba economically. Even then, there was speculation that Cuba wanted to acquire the Oil of Venezuela. Chávez gave the Cubans more and more Power. With the ideology that had nothing to do.”


Chávez has supplied Oil to the for almost 60 years, Communist-ruled Caribbean island, and received in return the Doctors for its health stations in poor districts. From Cuba to learn was to learn to control. After Chávez’s death, and Nicolas Maduro took office have strengthened cooperation in the state apparatus, to tell insiders how the Ex-General Cliver Alcalá, who lives in the Colombian exile.

“There is evidence that Maduro was formed niches, in his youth, from the Cuban intelligence service in Cuba. As a result, very close Links have developed. Maduro is travelling constantly to Cuba. The influence on him is total. Especially, because his own secret service of Cuban workers.”

Fidel Castro made to Venezuela’s close relations.

On their work in Venezuela, the speculation in bloom, as well as Cuba’s influence on the successor to Chávez after his death of cancer in 2013. Allegedly the request was Nicolás Maduro President because he is, because of its proximity to Cuba easily controllable. Compared with Hugo Chávez, Maduro is a weak President with little Charisma. The economic crisis is him slipping away.

“Cuban scenario”

in Order to secure his Power, he can be military, secret service, and in Venezuela, the so-called “Cuban scenario,” according to which, among other things, the repressive apparatus works. The suppression of Information by the Internet blockades, or the arming of civilians. Diplomatic initiatives to resolve the Venezuela crisis, such as the Lima group or the contact group of European and Latin American States, have recognized the role of Cuba, and therefore ask for mediation. Author Barrera Tyszka the ambivalent:

“Cuba is creating the Problem and then presented as part of the solution. You are very skilled and have a extremely intelligent diplomacy. For Cuba, it is fundamental to bring his interests in safety. Cuba plays into the hands of your opponent, US President, Trump international makes it impossible. It can, therefore, play his cards and at the end of your Oil from Venezuela, will not be touched.”

U.S. sanctions to ban Oil deliveries currently. For Cuba and Maduro would be a good Moment now to negotiate, says Barrera Tyszka, because the Opposition is in a weakened state, with their leader Juan Guaidó after the failed Rebellion. Countries such as Germany, have recognised Guaidó as interim President, be it also.

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