A new summer package shall ensure that children and young people to have a good summer.
With the summer package follows the 200 million kroner, which will be used on summer activities for children and young people between 6 and 17 years.
It writes the Social – and the Interior ministry in a press release.
in Addition, funding for outreach bets as to reach out to isolated families.
Also, the amount of money in the agreement to increase the capacity of organisations, which organises the sommerferielejre and other activities.
It is, for example, holiday camps, other, svømmecamps and the like, which are targeted at children, young people and families.
the Government has concluded the agreement with the Left, The Radicals, the SF, the red-green alliance Liberal Alliance, Alternatively, the free green non-attached members and the Party Forward.
In the agreement, the parties agreed on an exception from the forsamlingsforbuddet.
This means that the organizations that have planned excursions and holiday camps in the summer holidays, get the opportunity to implement these.
According to the minister for children and education), Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil (S) have you entered into the agreement, as some children and young people need to be a part of a community, after having been at home during the coronakrisen.
– The need for a life where they meet with other children and young people during the daytime and can get something out of everything they lost in the spring, says Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil.
She elaborates, the municipalities need the extra money, since their activities in the year must be directed toward a wider group of children and young people.
The new agreement arouse the enthusiasm of the VENUE, which each year send children and young people on the idrætssommerlejre.
– We know that the many weeks of alenetid and isolation have been particularly tough for the children and young people in vulnerable families.
– It is now that we must open up our communities, says DGIs president, Charlotte Bach Thomassen, in a comment.