presided over the Young SVP Zurich, operates its own Youtube channel, stands next to Christoph Blocher in the broadcast “Arena” and plays leading roles in the SVP campaign videos. Camille Lothe is the shooting star of the Zurich SVP. Until recently, she was also on the Board of the SVP-circle party 7/8. Since you will have no more of you but obviously. Her image disappeared from the web site, your Twitter biography has adapted to Lothe.
Andy Mosetti, President of the SVP on the zürichberg, in a Mail to SVP cantonal party President Patrick Walder and the national Council Mauro Tuena clear words: You will hold on to the exclusion of Lothe from the Board, unless they resign themselves. Otherwise, the Board would no longer recommend Lothe for re-election and “vehemently” against their candidacy to occur. “We guarantee that the County party will set 7/8 Lothe never on a municipal Council or a member of the Parliament list,” writes Mosetti and advises Lothe to try it at the circuit party 1/2. Who can not participate, could not be on the Board.
“If you want me on the Board and my staff appreciates it, I would do the work gladly.”Camille Lothe
all Board members appear to be with the approach but do not agree – because the E-Mail of the President’s lands from an anonymous address from the editors of the “Tages-Anzeiger”.
For Camille Lothe the Situation is completely unclear. She was surprised by their exclusion. “I think it is a pity that we have to unsubscribe now open to the public. But if you want me on the Board and my staff appreciates it, I would do like the work more,” she says.
Camille Lothe can’t attend evening meetings, as they are from 16 to 21 o’clock as a teacher in a KV-private school evening classes. “I work since four years, I have communicated from the beginning,” says Lothe. “If you say, I would not hire me for the SVP, this surprised me very much.”
Andy Mosetti, President of the SVP at the Zurich mountain. Photo: PD
Andy Mosetti is on a gay river cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest. “I am of course pleased that an internal email went out to the press,” he says. He can also imagine that not all of the members were with his decision. There were people who wanted to have each of the price women in positions.
However, for Mosetti is clear: “Lothe has too much on the ears. She was sitting in a year none of the Board of management. I need members who participate,” he says. Lothe doing a great job as JSVP-President, but “cobbler stick to your last,” says Mosetti.
Also Fehr Düsel went
The County party 7/8 is not the first Time the talk. In the last elections they had to compete with the well-known lawyer Valentin Landmann, a driving force. For, of all things, the Only one that held a SVP seat in the circle 7/8, Nina Fehr Düsel, for the district of miles to compete, and not for your previous circle as you wanted, it would have had to later. Susanne Brunner left this Board once after a quarrel.
Trouble, and even party defections, it was also chosen, as with Daniel Buchta, a German in the Board of Directors of the circle party at the Zurich mountain. The today is still there, not Lothe.
The party leadership expressed a cautious approach to the case. SVP national councillor and city party President Mauro Tuena says: “For members of the management Board of circle parties, it is important that the members can participate in the meetings actively.” The composition of the boards of Directors is a matter for the circle party.
Also SVP-President Patrick Walder is on request curtly: “I don’t interfere with that. The cantonal party, as a placement partner, if it is desired, everything else is a matter for the city party.”
Created: 06.12.2019, 08:02 PM