While the SVP clearly, Rhoden, the group of the Party (PU), which wins four mandates and new to 19 seats comes, the winner of these elections in the Canton of Appenzell. The FDP remains the largest party with 24 Seats (+1).

The SP still holds nine seats in the 65-member cantonal Parliament. The CVP loses two seats, and comes on three. The EPP will win a mandate, and now holds two. Added to this is a seat for the grouping of the “view memory”.

For the 19 Seats of the PU, in Ausserrhoden traditionally a strong group, counting the three seats of the list “of the industrial Association/PU” in Herisau. The Canton’s capital chooses its 19 members of the Kantonsrats as a single constituency in a proportional representation system. The remaining 19 municipalities, major know zwahlen.

SVP-President of the commune voted out of office

In the Canton of the main town of Herisau, the SVP suffered a double defeat: The party lost two of their previous six a member of the Parliament seats. In addition, municipal President Renzo was chosen Andreani (SVP) surprisingly. He was subject to the non-Party Kurt Geser. In the 20 Ausserrhoden communities were at the same time renewed with the member of the Parliament elections also to the municipal authorities.

The member of the cantonal government of Appenzell Ausserrhoden was already on 10. February renewed. The government remained in Men’s hands: Which of the three Previous years were confirmed. Hansueli Reutegger defended the seat of the SVP, Yves Noël Balmer those of the SP. (fal/sda)

Created: 17.03.2019, 19:56 PM