The SVP , presented on Thursday her party’s programme for the coming legislature. She remains on the current course In large Parts of the program corresponds to the old. New is the Chapter “We are home” about Swiss identity.

home is familiarity, writes the SVP: “what we miss when we are away. The Swiss dialect, the music, the fresh drinking water, crusty bread, fresh and, Yes, even aromatic.” The SVP wants to back the home to the centre and maintain traditions.

Remote access to the EU

the first Chapter of The party programme is the theme of “freedom and security” is dedicated. Under freedom, you understand a life in a self-determined Switzerland, writes the SVP. You want to use for the receipt of direct democracy and against “muzzles and politically correct attitude dictations” fight.

In the Chapter “foreign policy” criticizes the party as in the current program, the “political elites”. The sell-off of the Swiss sovereignty and self-determination through this has to be stopped. In particular, an institutional connection to the EU is to combat the SVP. The free movement of persons is to be terminated.

development aid

reduce in addition, the SVP calls for a strong reduction of development aid. Re-estimated these: development assistance should be cut by one billion Swiss francs, equivalent to a reduction of about a third. The released funds will flow into the AHV with a new challenge.

In the chapters on economy and Finance primarily focuses on less regulations and lower taxes. The SVP wants to use, among other things, a flattening of the progression rates and redistribution to combat it.

limit to structurally reinforce

Also in the migration and asylum policy, the SVP stays on your line. You criticised the cost and demands that Switzerland will be for migrants to be less attractive. The support services are to be reduced. New is the requirement that the boundaries of “structurally reinforced.”

In the Chapter “security, law and order” advocates crime, the party for significantly higher penalties for Violence. The room for manoeuvre of the judge to limit, and should be increasingly minimum anchored to the penalties in the law. Also, the juvenile justice system should be strengthened.

increase in the retirement age

To secure the AHV, the SVP fails in addition to the rearrangement of development, help funds a gradual moderate increase in the retirement age, adjusted to the increasing life expectancy and the under-funding of the AHV retirement reserve Fund.

In the health policy, the SVP relies on the responsibility of the Insured. Thus the cost of participation is meant: This needs to be increased calls for you. The catalogue of the basic insurance should be limited to the “significant health needs”. The premiums are in full can be deducted from taxes.

Against E-Voting and the Wolf

in Addition, the SVP is opposed to the introduction of E-Voting, a further innovation compared to the current program. In agriculture, it wants to strengthen the local production and against uncontrolled free trade in Agriculture. Also new is the Large find predators mention: For the people’s party, it is clear that these have no place.

The battle of the SVP in addition, “congestion and harassment” on the Road wants to announcements. For climate policy, it need not “excessive targets”, such as the halving of CO2 emissions by 2030. The Radio and TV licence fees to be reduced to a maximum of 300 francs.

Against marriage for all

In the school to be awarded from the first class of the notes. Generally speaking, the SVP for a performance-oriented education system. In the Chapter “Religion” highlights the party of the Christian-Occidental Foundation, and the freedom of belief. The official recognition of Islam is not a viable option.

no, says the SVP also to the equality of same-sex partnership with marriage and Adoption of children by same-sex couples. They also want to abolish the Anti-racism criminal standard.

their positions and the requests of the SVP describes a total of 73 pages. The delegates are on 26. January over the party’s program, advise and, if necessary, make Changes. (Dec/sda)

Created: 10.01.2019, 10:39 PM