At several places in Sweden, the fire fighting against forest fires. Some areas were evacuated. Unusually, the early start of the forest fire time. By persistent drought, the fire danger is high.

There is a fire in the South of Sweden – and the very much earlier than usual. Grass fires are common, says the meteorologist Nitzan Cohen in Swedish television. But this time it was more than that. “Usually the grass fire risk will increase in the spring, until the new Grass covers the remnants from the previous year,” says Cohen. “Forest fires are popping then usually only in the dry summer period. Now, the two risks overlap, and we see the result.”

In recent weeks, it was unusually dry in Sweden. In all regions of the country it has not rained for weeks. And currently, it is still uncharacteristically warm. In consequence, it is burning in many places in Sweden, especially in Skåne, the Region in the extreme South of the country.