“The swedes want climate measures abroad”

“A larger proportion of swedes want to see the global klimatinvesteringar rather than bets only at home, according to a new survey by market research firm Yougov.”

“the Measurement, which has been made on behalf of the European investment bank (EIB), is based on interviews with 1,000 swedes.”

“Approximately 42 percent of the respondents think that Sweden should invest in all the countries where the need for climate action.”

“A considerably smaller proportion, 23 percent, think the contrary, that investment should be kept within the borders of Sweden.”

“the 18 per cent have answered that Sweden should invest in.”

“the Measurement has also to include other countries within the EU, and the united states and China. In 12 of the 30 countries, including Italy, Germany, Ireland and Spain, where views similar to those of Sweden.”