The Swedish klimaatactiviste Greta Thunberg, who first began with truancy for the climate, responding on Twitter to the success of the third edition of “truancy for the climate” in Brussels. “A Belgian journalist just told me that 35,000 students, including students skipping school in Brussels. Heroes!”, what it sounds like.
The 16-year-old Greta was known for her weekly klimaatprotest for the Swedish parliament in Stockholm. They do this on Friday, which means that they do spijbelt at school. Her actions are replicated in different countries, such as Germany, Australia, Canada, and Belgium.
also Read 35.000 klimaatbrossers engulf Brussels: “We save the lessons on, but you have to take care of our planet skipped”
she is Currently in Davos, switzerland, where the World Economic Forum (WEF). Politicians and business leaders will discuss the major social and economic problems. On the train she came there as a journalist, who was telling her about the success of the klimaatmars by young people in Brussels today.
A Belgian journalist just told me 35000 students are school striking in Brussels today.! Heroes!#ClimateStrike #Fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate
Greta Thunberg(@ GretaThunberg) link
“I ask you to be my wrong” to prove
Thunberg came today in Davos, after a train ride of 65 hours and with a sign “Schoolstaking for the climate” in the hand. In a video message, she asked the attendees of the meeting to their economic goals, to put aside, and concrete action to address the global warming to stop.
“I don’t believe a second that you are rising to the challenge”, sounded therein. “But I’m going to you ask questions. I ask you my wrong, to prove, in the interest of your children, in the interest of your grandchildren.” the
Tomorrow she will be in Davos also join in the debate about climate change.
Some people say that we are not doing enough to fight climate change.
But that is not true. the
Because to ”not do enough” you have to do something. the
And the truth is we are basically not doing anything. the
This film was shown inside the #wef today.#FridaysForFuture #WhateverItTakes
Greta Thunberg(@ GretaThunberg) link