It is not long, because the intent to climb the Matterhorn would have been a kind of farewell to the modern world. Who wanted to conquer the more than 4400 meters high rock mountain, needed not only good equipment, but also a Testament. That people died, according to above, came not only to times of the spectacular first ascents in the 19th century. A century before, but also well into the 20th century. Century. Anyone looking for today, according to images from the once-secluded world, joins on Videos that look more like amusement Park for adventure.

A Swarovski-crystals decorated cabin float up to the almost 4000-metre-high Klein Matterhorn, somewhere on the glacier in the floor opens, at least it looks that way. The passengers, now only through a glass window of the spectacular mountain world of separated, begin to cheer. A voice from the Off compares the cable car ride with a helicopter flight and is happy: “so convenient” you can see the Alps, yet never conquer. The new “Glacier Ride”, the Zermatt mountain Railways, parallel to the existing old cable car, built in, is a current Trend in mountain tourism: more and more spectacular and more comfortable it must be, thus, the unsportli most Tourist for half a day can experience the high mountains. Since November, the ultra-modern cabins, four of which have the bottom of the glass with priesener “3-D-view”, up to 2000 passengers per hour to the 3883 metre-high Klein Matterhorn. For skiers, the area is due to its snow reliability already attractive. But also day-trippers, it is up to now increasingly.

Video: mountain ascent via the hörnli ridge Once a year in the life of the Matterhorn: Gopro and helicopter shooting impressions of the mountain ascent via the hörnli ridge. (Helmet camera: Nadine Schmid, mountain leader: Fabian Lauber, helicopter shots: Sven Epting, production: Lea Blum)

If the landscape pads Raimund speaks Rodewald about the glass track, it sounds less euphoric. With Gram in the voice of the business head of the Swiss Foundation for landscape conservation in the mountain world, as it was originally: barren, rocky, inhospitable. And: lonely. Who, standing on the mountain, enjoying not only the view and the feeling to have something Big defeat, but also a fairy-tale silence.

What is the landscape of the pads is a kind of dream-like primitive state, is for the mountain, an uncomfortable noise tracks. For many years, the operator of the once-lucrative Swiss cable Railways are in crisis. For tourists from Europe, the Hiking for decades, and skiing came in the Swiss Alps, became the country now so expensive that you have to Dodge often prefer to neighboring countries.

The Swiss tried to stay with special offers to attract and retain, at least in the domestic guests, but this strategy is only to a limited extent. Always on the offensive in the tourism sector are focusing on “new markets”. Travelers from China, Russia or the Arab world to fill the gap left by the Germans and Austrians.

2000 people per hour

conservationists Raimund Rodewald know how his criticism of this new tourism can be understood. “For us, it’s not at all to the nationality of the guests. Everyone is welcome,” he says. However, the more you’ll have to change the offer in Switzerland on a tourist host, the jetting in the fast run through Europe, the more the face of the mountains. And this is not in their favor.

At almost 4000 meters of altitude, where the Matterhorn Glacier Ride 2000 spits out people in the hour, not only is there a 360-degree-view platform, but also an award-winning Restaurant, a show kitchen, a souvenir shop.

For Rodewald break the charm of the Alps in the course of this “Event”. During the Zermatt Bergbahnen AG says proudly of the “highest mountain station in Europe”, said Rodewald on the “superlative culture”. From his point of view, the mountains become, if they are so easy to to a “Background theme for Selfie-tourists”.

“turn Shoe tourists have lost nothing up there.” Mathias Imoberdorf, spokesman for the Zermatt Bergbahnen

Many Swiss see this in a similar way. If an offer is not so clear cut on luxury travelers, stay with the Locals often. Self-Mathias Imoberdorf, spokesman for the Zermatt Bergbahnen, this conflict is aware of. He finds that there is enough space for both. The offer on the Klein Matterhorn is limited to a single mountain summit. “Around Zermatt countless four-thousanders, which are not developed, so, too, the Matterhorn itself,” he says. “These regions are reserved for alpinists, and gym Shoe tourists have lost nothing up there. This will continue to be so.”

on the Other hand, a trip to Zermatt is not for decades been a target for cash-rich foreigners. And who are the courts, they must also offer something. Before the new railway was put into operation, it arrived at the station “Trockener Steg” to longer and longer waiting times. The tourists who had paid a lot of money for your ski pass or a trip, had to wait there for part of 90 minutes, says Imoberdorf, and were then pushed into the self-aligning rail “sardine can”.

“On 4000 meters of height, a feeling of reverence.”Raimund Rodewald, conservationists

That had to be retrofitted, understand Rodewald and since the new cable car adds to the old track, has filed its Foundation, not to take action against the project. There are worse projects on the mountain, he says. At the Moment he was in the Valais in dialogue with Locals and mountain railway operators. Rodewalds concern is clear: The mountains should have to endure any further “disney-land projects,” no Thrill Walks, glacier lanes and to effect trimmed glass crystal installations. Instead, the tourism sector should rely on an old, almost forgotten feeling: “On 4000 meters of altitude, one feels that first, awe-inspiring,” says Rodewald. He wishes for more peace on the mountain “that you might learn something about the extraordinary Scenery, has to take time and not constantly irrigated.”

That lone rock need to be protected, used to be difficult to convey Whether he is hearing? Even if the Glacier Ride, where the ride on the crystal cabin costing ten francs extra, so a total of 97 francs (€86), points in a different direction, there are many who wished for a gentler tourism. “In the past, we have often been asked what we want to protect up there,” says Rodewald. “The plant said there was no rare frogs or Bush.” That lonely rock need to be protected, is difficult to convey. Now, where on the mountains, more and more theme parks are, understanding a lot more.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 13.12.2018, 17:17 PM