Germany has of 2013, Ursula von der Leyen, the first defense Minister of the country. Now, Switzerland has for the first time, a woman at the head of the Department of defence, civil protection and Sport (VBS).

The biggest challenges for the new VBS Director are the plans for the air defence . The Federal Council wants to buy for a maximum of 8 billion Swiss francs in new fighter jets and ground-to-air missiles.

The Association of the two projects meets with the parties to fierce resistance. Only the SVP is behind the Federal Council. The last word is likely to have the people in the year 2020. Unlike the failed purchase of the Gripen, it should but can’t decide on the selected model.

In the implementation phase is the army reform WEA . This has to mobilize, among other things, to the objective, parts of the force quickly and to be able to use. Within ten days of the 35’000 members of the army should be in use. This 18’000 recruits per year are needed. Amherd will need to solve the recruitment problems, with which the army is now fighting.

A further challenge is the cyber security is . How vulnerable, Switzerland, showed the cyber attack on defence firm Ruag. As a result, the current defense Minister Parmelin announced an increase in Cyber-defense. Also, the European Parliament called for a stronger protection against Cyber-risks.

Stalled the redevelopment of the more than 2,200 all-terrain army Transporter Duro is advised . In the case of the contracted company, the production falls short due to shortage of supply. The whole program will cost over 500 million francs. In Parliament there was to talk about whether or not to place the investment in the 20-year-old Duros new vehicles procured should be.

Pending a total revision of the population and civil protection act. Thus, the Federal Council wants to bar the service of civil protection are to be reduced. At the same time to renew the civil protection communication systems and NBC protection improved. (anf/sda)

Created: 10.12.2018, 12:50 PM