A tampon dispenser on a men’s toilet in Stuttgart’s town hall causes a stir. The initiative goes back to the Greens faction in the municipal council, the aim is equal rights for trans people. The CDU cannot understand at all that such a small device is not only hanging in the women’s toilet. “We’re making a laughing stock of ourselves nationwide,” quotes “Bild” from CDU parliamentary group leader Alexander Kotz from the municipal council. “What am I supposed to do with tampons as a man? And I can’t bring them to my wife either,” complains Kotz, who lives with a man.

Mayor Frank Nopper (CDU) is even more annoyed by the debate than by the small box that is now hanging on the wall between the cabins and urinals. He was against tampon dispensers in the town hall from the outset because, in his view, it was not the city administration’s job to provide citizens with taxpayer money free menstrual articles, said his spokeswoman.

There are important issues to work on in the area of ​​equal opportunities, but this debate ridicules the whole work. According to her information, the dispenser in the women’s toilet is currently full, but the one in the men’s toilet is empty.

“In the budget deliberations, I spoke out clearly against such offers in Stuttgart City Hall. Unfortunately, I was outvoted,” Nopper commented on Instagram. But he also says: “The current debate in the media shows how far parts of local politics have moved away from the real concerns and needs of the vast majority of people.”