“Ten children dead in lufträder in Afghanistan”

“at Least 13 civilians, ten of them children, have been killed in the lufträder”

“Lufträden began late on Friday and lasted until early Saturday, as a part of the fighting between the taliban and afghan and american forces. The fighting lasted for 30 hours in Kunduz, where the taliban are strong.”

“the united states is the only member state in the international coalition in Afghanistan, which help with air support in the conflict. Nato is investigating the data, according to a spokesperson.”

“the Fighting continues to rage in the country despite the fact that the united states and the taliban in Afghanistan launched peace talks to try to end 18 years of fighting.”

“the Civilians affected by the war in Afghanistan. A record number civilians were killed in the country last year when the air strikes and suicide bombings increased, according to a united nations report that came in February. The number of children who are killed in lufträder has increased every year since 2014.”

“According to the UN, at least 32 000 civilians have been killed and a further 60 000 injured in the last ten years.”