Mr. Aebli, you want to replace the 2300 Abfallhaie by a new, cheaper model. Witikon has introduced the sharks only just come off the now again?
no, the Abfallhai will still be two decades in the city of Zurich. We only have to replace the sharks, which are unusable for any reason. And there, where we set up a new bucket, also comes the new Züri-bucket.

the main reason for this is the Fast-Food packaging, which are always greater. You can not buy just the shark a bigger mouth?
Correct, the shark has a birth defect: his small mouth. The Trend is that the people of Zurich and catering for more and more often outside, he is now undoing. The Sack, and boxes clogging up the slot. The new bucket but has other advantages. We have developed with the staff from the Front. The bags do not hold up better, falling from the mount, when something Heavy comes home, the ashtray is on top of it, the door can also be used in snow or on gravel surfaces easy to open and the bucket has a horizontal lid.

On the mass-pizza towers of boxes at the weekend.
in fact, the just cover was a request of our employees. You need the pizza more boxes so pick up from the ground. Kaçak Bahis

not flowing, But water in the ashtray, and finally, the brown soup, the garbage men on the Finger?
you Do not have to Worry about the soup in the ashtray: The people are wearing work gloves. For you counts for more that the new ashtray emptying much easier.

ORE bends with the larger throw-in but the Fast-Food providers. Would you not be able to take in the duty, and, for example, require you to provide reusable dishes?
there is no legal basis. And even if there were, in this respect, a lot of potential for improvement: Our job is to ensure that people can dispose of their waste sensibly, to educate you. Anyone who has ever tried to cram a Salatbox in the shark, without spilling it, will thank us for it.

Speaking of educate: The larger hole is animated, the 35-Liter bag from home hotchpot?
The largest part of the Zürcher disposed of correctly. And the people who dispose of it illegally, there will also be independent of the Size of the throw.

Zurich were so proud of the Abfallhai. Some say, they would have said to the foreign visitor, Zurich is so clean, because the Dispose of the shark, do so much joy.
It is exciting to see how the Predator Abfallhai arouses emotions. But the city is not defined but the Design of your waste bucket. Regardless of the I weights the practical advantages of higher than the design. In addition, the Züri-bin is easier to disassemble, for example for large events. And he is still cheaper. We buy the bucket with fee revenue, but with tax money, and this we need to use responsibly.


Created: 07.12.2018, 21:25 PM