He is still in operation and is under monument protection, The land office for historical monuments has made the Tegel airport on Monday is under monument protection. Curator Christoph Rauhut announced on Monday that the buildings are registered in the monument list. “The historical value has never been disputed,” said Daniel Bartsch, spokesman for the culture administration, the daily mirror on Monday evening.

The history of the airport Tegel in images more pictures do not display 1 of 8002.02.2017 09:45Sieht you all the days, from this perspective: from the airport Berlin-Tegel. On the right, the Terminal with the two slopes…Back More

American military airport are Protected from now on the two areas of Tegel-Süd “Otto Lilienthal” and Tegel Nord “French”. The 1965 to 1979, is regarded by the architects, Meinhard von Gerkan, Volkwin Marg and Klaus Nickels-built facility “Otto Lilienthal”, as a special example of architecture era of the 1960s and 70s.

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architect of the Tegel airport Meinhard von Gerkan: “In Tegel, we were free”

“As the airport in the short airport of short distances Tegel is known around the world,” said culture Senator Klaus Lederer. “I am very happy that this video has a trade mark registered in the monument list.”

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