“The alarm from Ivo: Major shortcomings in care for the elderly,”

“• Untrained staff • medical injuries • Long queues”

“Older people are a vulnerable group in Sweden, says Ivo.”

“medical injuries and grievances is common in the elderly and the 30-40% of the staff lack basic training.”

“– We see serious shortcomings, ” says the inspector Joakim Sebring.”

“Every year, compiles the Inspection of health and social care, Ivo, a report on the state of Swedish health care. It is left to the government and is a summary analysis of the complaints, notifications and supervision.”

“care for the Elderly is a part of the review.”

“– There are well-functioning operations, ” says Joakim Sebring, inspector at Ivo and continues:”

“– But there are also shortcomings. Many of the observations returning from the ntidigare years.”

“You write that the elderly are a vulnerable group?”

“– They often need efforts from different agencies, and often they have no dementia. We see that there are serious deficiencies at many nursing homes, ” says Joakim Sebring.”

“Elderly people are affected by medical injuries and malfunctions that could be avoided, according to Ivo.”

“– the Different types of injuries from falls and infections are very common, ” says Johanna Nilsson, who was also inspector at Ivo.”

“and You mention no numbers, how many are there? Hundreds?”

“– Likely, says Johanna Nilsson.”

“unlike, For example, the LSS-available makes Ivo is not annual inspections. The authority goes on to notifications. They will come from either private individuals or a lex Sarah–notifications, as the health care workers are required to do at the malpractice.”

“– We see that there is an uncertainty on how to notify under lex Sarah, and there is probably an underreporting, says Johanna Nilsson.”

“– There are municipalities that do not have sufficient knowledge and there are recurring deficiencies with the quality work and follow-up. It is a vulnerable group, and there are many that cannot speak for itself. So probably this is the tip of the iceberg.”

“According to Ivo lacking 30-40% of baspersonalen in care for the elderly, basic education.”

“– There are numbers that come from the national Board of health, ” says Joakim Sebring.”

” I’m no expert in the field, or how it has been in previous years. But it is probably one of the reasons why we get so many reports that the staff have missed to physical illnesses.”

“What do you think is noteworthy in this report?”

“– What the individual encounters is the worst. For example, miss a bone fracture causes the great pains, ” says Joakim Sebring.”

“Differ in the number of notifications, most from the private or public operation?”

“No, we don’t see a difference,” says Johanna Nilsson.”

“Last year introduced a new provision where the complaints on the care, first and foremost, should be delivered to the healthcare provider.”

“– We see that the number of complaints has gone down. But we also have a new up-nlysningstjänst where you can call and where you increase the notifications, ” says Joakim nSebring.”

” We do not believe that we miss the serious abuses.”

“you Risk not to lose the overview?”

“– this is a change implemented by the government and parliament, ” says Joakim Sebring.”

“According to Ivo, it came in 4 300 complaints about long wait at a nursing home. Medianväntetiden was five months. Ivo says that it is for a long time.”

“”In our cases we see that older people sometimes die before they get to the site at a location where they want to live, or that they are so ill that they can not move when it is time,” it says, inter alia, in the report.”

“this is heavy reading, there seem to be many older people in Sweden as the father of nilla today?”

“– Yes, one becomes very concerned. The health board has guidelines for how to work with quality in health care. The municipalities have to raise his quality work and get a better overview and follow-up, ” says, says Johanna Nilsson.”