Martha Thorne, what did you think when you learned of the incident at the ETH?
I was shocked when I read for the first Time. A world-class Institution such as the ETH is a not let that happen. Students should be able to in a safe framework in which to think, in the equality and respect is ensured. The incidents in the ETH – no matter how great their extent, now – show: If an institution belongs scientifically to the best, doesn’t mean that the equality on a high level.
What should the ETH be better?
In the case of abuse of power and sexual harassment must dissociate the ETH more clearly. You must publicly announce that it tolerates nothing of the sort. With the delimitation, it is not done yet: It takes trust points of contact, to the Affected. To the abuse of power to overcome, there also needs to be a fundamental change. In every action, which takes the ETH, it should be clear that it stands for respect and equal opportunities. The incidents must meticulously be investigated.
The ETH is known only, that the Professor against the Compliance Guide have failed. Details about the bug not be of behaviour. This is sufficient?
The public response by the ETH is not indicative of a transparency. My impression is that it is rather to maintain the Status quo. The school should not protect themselves, but the people who work for you – in this specific case, the women. To me is not clear why the ETH is acting more transparent. What are you hiding, when there is apparently no Problem?
Maybe exist little evidence?
allegations of sexual harassment are rarely invented. For a woman it usually is extremely uncomfortable to discuss such intimate Details, not to mention which is why many prefer it. It is in the hands of the new President of ETH Zurich is added and to designate the problems to the public. He needs to give the Victims of abuse of power, the absolute confidence and encourage you to Speak. But the problems are also structural.
What do you mean?
There is a blatant imbalance of power between professors and students. One wrong word can ruin a career. The architecture scene is manageable – the more the victim of power, fear of abuse, your tormenter to denounce, specially if they are in an influential Position. The accusations may be directed against you. You could suddenly receive lower grades or no letter of recommendation. One wrong word, and the career is ruined. This danger is, unfortunately, in a small and very connected scene as the architecture.
you seem to have no fear of sharp words.
As a Dean, I am in a privileged position and must not fear for my Job, if I say Yes, the architecture has abuse a big Problem with sexual harassment and power.
How is the Situation in other technical Departments such as physics, chemistry, and the engineers?
In these Professions, although there are also few women. Those who make it, but will be accepted as equal. This could be due to the fact that it is purely scientific disciplines. The most Important thing is to convince professionally. In architecture, there are, in addition to the technical and the artistic part, is a rather diffuse field, the more game space. The architecture scene is dominated for decades by men, according to have adapted to the work: An almost 24-hour availability is required, while the wife makes to the household. The architectural scene is still characterised by an outdated role.
How are you using at your school for equal rights?
it’s important to Me to create female role models. More than half of the lecturers in my school is female. Our starting points do not give people the feeling that someone is listening, but that justice is really being sought. We regularly organise Panels on the topic. The most Important thing, in order to prevent injustices: transparency. (Tages-Anzeiger)
Created: 07.02.2019, 11:08 PM