the 180 countries examined by Transparency International for its new Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). More than two-thirds of them did not even reach half of the possible points. In addition, a large was able to record part of the countries little or no progress.
The CPI measures the perception of corruption in the public sector, i.e. the state authorities. To do this, Transparency International evaluates studies and analyses of experts from science and industry. The worst cut this year, South Sudan and Syria, each with 13, and Somalia, with only 10 points.
Switzerland has improved with regard to the corruption in the public sector in the past year, or worse. Evidenced in the new corruption rankings by Transparency International, with 85 out of a possible 100 points, unchanged in 3rd place.
This ranking she shares with Finland, Sweden and Singapore, such as Transparency International Switzerland said today. Were outstripped these countries, only new Zealand (87 points) and Denmark (88 points), which now stands at the top of the CPI.
The Index of the 2018 confirm again, “that in no country – not even in Switzerland, the public sector is corruption-free,” the statement said. Even in the top group of the evaluation remain clearly below the maximum values. Switzerland miss this by up to 20 percent.
The “Switzerland of significant deficiencies has, in particular, in the case of corruption in the private sector and in sports.”Martin Hilti, Transparency International Switzerland
The corruption in the private sector is not covered by the report. That is exactly where action existed but in Switzerland, says the managing Director of Transparency International Switzerland, Martin Hilti: “Switzerland has significant shortcomings, in particular, in the case of money laundering, protection of whistle-blowers, or in the case of corruption in the private sector and in sports.”
Swiss banks are becoming entangled in money laundering. As examples of the Transparency-reporting scandals of the Malaysian government Fund 1MDB, the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht or the Brazilian Oil company Petrobras. The data for the survey of the corruption rankings in 2018, mainly from the year 2017. Disregarded about the recent events in connection with controversial overseas stay so that the travel of officials (keyword: Pierre Maudet) or expenses excesses.
In a worldwide comparison, the Western European countries are the best. You can reach an average of 66 points out of 100. Norway reached with 84 points, rank 7, the Netherlands 8th place (82 points). Germany occupied together with the United Kingdom rank 11 (80 points), France, 21st place (72 points).
Of the American States cut Canada on the 9th place with 81 points, followed by the USA in 22nd place (71 points). The USA have lost in comparison to the previous four points. The report argues that the separation of powers is under pressure and complained of an “Erosion of ethical standards at the highest levels of Power” – a direct criticism of the government Trump.
Created: 29.01.2019, 08:28 PM