Saint paul rose, a recent study across other urban poor-the most marginalized residential areas in the number. Evening magazine listed some of the reasons.The economic study of migration the willingness of the city in 2018 -according to the report, Oulu is a relatively positive image.Despite that, inter alia, the merging of municipalities, unemployment, and rental housing focus on certain areas are the reason why Oulu is numerous-nots classified as residential areas.Vantaa Hakunila is one of the bad-piece of the city into a classified location. In the video residents told to hakuni children in August 2018. Sanna Taskinen

the city of Turku project in a study found out that the most disadvantaged would be classified in the residential areas is in Oulu, when compared to Finland’s six largest cities to each other.

Oulu disadvantaged classified as residential areas is as high as 11, although one of them is connected to the F on the end of the current year. They are Ylikiiminki, more Than-Ii, F board connected to the jacket of the village, martin cape, Brown, border village, Taskila-Toppila, Tuira, Pyykösjärvi-mid-canvas, the intermediate field and the far field.

in the Spring of the published economic research, to migrate to the cities in 2018 -a report on the basis of Oulu is the sixth, when assessing the residence of an entire image basis. People have the Oulu study of light, therefore, a relatively positive image. Oulu overall rating as a place to live was in the study of 7.53, after the first place to be in Tampere the corresponding figure was of 8.17.

to migrate-the question of the top three among them are Tampere, Turku and Jyväskylä. Economic research Oy will be revealed, however, that Oulu is also in the top ten in migration willingness.

If Oulu is once a positive image and the finns are ready to change there, why the city has so many poor neighborhoods?

the far field is one of the have-nots-rated Oulu residential areas. MARKKU ruottinen on the joints the inequality a

Oulu Diaconia university of applied sciences research, Päivi Vuokila-Oikkonen appoint one of the inequalities and impoverishment that the program increases as a factor in constituencies. Today, Greater saint paul formed itself in the city of Oulu in addition, the former Haukipudas, Oulunsalo, Over-F, Ylikiimingin and Kiimingin the kingdom.

Suddenly, here was to 200 000 residents. Municipal mergers will leave the smallest municipalities in the Oulu city centre, which directly affects human well-being, Vuokila-Oikkonen said.

doctor of political science, regional research Timo Aro is on the same line. Aron, according to the disadvantaged residential areas the amount of weighting is in itself not a very good study of the comparison criteria, because Oulu is the only large cities, where there have been significant local as well as sorority joints. In addition to major cities in different areas of the population structure significantly different from each other even in the largest cities.

another factor is the high youth unemployment. Vuokila-Oikkonen, according to the being alone easy, because all the Greater Oulu modifying young people do not necessarily even have a school place.

When Nokia was going strong, there was a lot of permanent jobs. Now the situation is different.

the Aro is of the opinion that saint paul is also a location different from the other major cities.

– Oulu collect a wide impact area, plenty of unemployed, students and other inactive population, which in Oulu within the focus on fewer areas than, for example, in the helsinki metropolitan area, Aro said.

Regional researcher Timo Aro, can not be commonly talk of Oulu other large cities greater inequality or being underprivileged. Jussi Partanen deprivation pockets

residential areas a bad piece of research is taken into account in those regions, unemployment and poverty rates as well as the uneducated proportion of the adult population.

Aron’s view, could be more meaningful compared to a similar demographic of a district or city structure within the existing districts as the population structure from each other significantly divergent neighborhoods or Oulu in the case of joints in the context of the outermost non-urban neighborhoods.

I think that can not be commonly talk of Oulu other large cities greater inequality or being underprivileged. Instead, the city of Oulu structure of the inside can be seen clear good – and bad-piece of pockets for exceptional apartment building.

Oulu rental housing supply is Aron, according to the concentrated in other large cities more sparse regions. Therefore, the social mixing and mingling has not happened to the extent than, for example, the metropolitan big cities.

inhabitants of,

Poor your classified oulu residential areas combined Vuokila-Oikkonen, the fact that they are all the old 1970s-built residential areas, the development of which is not a lot of resources building after his set.

Also, Aro is of the opinion that Oulu is a poor-piece of your defined residential areas of the rich in the 1970s, graduates of the housing stock, which in all respects correspond anymore to today’s needs.

– in the Future, especially in the Oulu section highlights the quest of the structured population structure of social mixing land use, housing, transport and service structure related solutions, Aro said.

One of the underprivileged areas is a border village, which is the European social fund (ESF) aid intended to make better and safer residential area.

Funding has been obtained precisely because the border village have in the past much effort has been put. Neighborhoods effort to polarization, there is well doing and ill-doing, Vuokila-Oikkonen said.

Part of the border village the population is in such poor condition that they are not active in the model reach.

Roughly it can be said that the housing forms a clear distribution: the shopping centre is surrounded by apartment buildings, which is the city’s rental housing, as well as immigrants. The road on the other side are private houses and satisfied people.

Vuokila-Oikkonen, according to border village residents have been taken according to plan things concretely and in addition has been bet on the different employment of experimentation.

– When the residents can be involved in creating the future, it creates a sense of security.