“This is a historic day. El Salvador’s people has destroyed the two-party system,” said Nayib Bukele after his victory in the presidential election on Sunday. The 37-year-old politician stands for a new beginning in the politics of the Central American country.

Since the end of the civil war in 1992, two parties dominated: the far-right Republican nationalist Alliance (Arena) and the left-wing National liberation front Farabundo Marti (FMLN). With Bukele, a politician is now in the state that belongs to neither the FMLN nor Arena. He ran for the conservative party of Great Alliance for national unity (Gana).

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Of his followers to become Bukele is celebrated as a bringer of salvation. In the election campaign, he staged himself as a fighter against the scandalous Establishment of the FMLN and Arena. “The people in El Salvador are angry the promise of the corrupt politicians and the broken choice. In Bukele, you will see a politician who is not part of the corrupt System,” commented Roberto Cañas, a political scientist of the José Simeón Cañas Central American University in San Salvador. The programs of the three presidential candidates were not very different. Bukele has managed, according to Cañas at the best, as anti-corruption fighters. “We have enough money, if nobody steals,” said Bukele in the election campaign.

Bukele had been part of the system. One FMLN coalition, had allowed him to be mayor of San Salvador. From 2015 to 2018, he ruled the capital of El Salvador. In 2017, Bukele was excluded, however, from the FMLN, because he had obviously expressed significant criticism of the party.

The expectations of the population are huge: supporters of Nayib Bukele in San Salvador. Photo: Reuters

Bukele, whose father is of Palestinian origin, had begun as a young man, as an entrepreneur, before he devoted himself to the policy of closing. Since his time Bukele owner of Yamaha motor El Salvador. The new President of El Salvador is considered to be very wealthy.

In the presidential election in 2019 Bukele started out as a geek. He managed, however, quickly become favorites. And as a favorite, he emerged finally as the clear winner. His election campaign he had conducted in a professional, even via Facebook and Twitter. Bukele is known in his country as a Social Media Star.

7 million live in poverty

Bukele has not promised to combat not only corruption, but also the rampant violence in his country. The murder rate is 51 per 100’000 inhabitants, significantly above the global average. Last year 3340 murders were registered. Powerful street gangs to have 70’000 members, of which 17’000 are behind bars.

A further challenge is the economic crisis. While economic output grew last year by 2.6 percent, but about 30 percent of the approximately 7 million Salvadorans live below the poverty line. And the favors, in turn, the street gang crime and violence in El Salvador.

El Salvador of Trump as a “shit hole country” abused

A challenge for the new President of El Salvador, the US President, Donald Trump, wants to curb immigration from Central America. This could lead to the Trump Administration reduced funds to El Salvador. In the terminology Trumps El Salvador is one of the “shithole countries” (“shithole countries”), from which unwanted people to come into the United States. May be a forced return migration from the U.S. to El Salvador. The ease of the US branch of immigrants from El Salvador, was abolished.

by the office of The President Bukele is on 1. June. However, he will need to without a majority in Parliament to govern. His party has only 11 of the 84 seats. Bukele is, therefore, to an Alliance with the Right close. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 04.02.2019, 12:25 PM