you have got with Klara Geywitz 22.7 percent in the first round of the members vote. You had a doubt, to reach the runoff election?
Well, the charm of the competition was that there were no reliable opinion poll. We went with a certain degree of Confidence in the regional conferences and be glad, as a first-choice placed in the stitch to go.

And how do you want to win?
Our offer to the party is clear: Klara Geywitz, and I stand for a SPD , the little trusts. The SPD at elections, in order to be successful – that’s the point. To me, the Situation is somewhat reminiscent of the autumn of 2009, when I became Chairman of the Hamburg SPD, which was not in good condition. Two years later, we picked up the absolute majority in the state election, four years later, 46 percent. We do not claim on the Federal level, such a leap forward, but we are confident of a breakthrough that strengthens the SPD.

Two optimists to make a move.
True, but 430’000 motivated members. I don’t want to tire of the stock of the government’s front yard. But the coalition has implemented many projects, say critics. Commentators speak of a clear social-democratic handwriting, what our partners don’t like always. I’ll spare you the list, but the SPD has a lot of set by. Nevertheless, everyone knows that the polls are good. The accompanying sounds in this coalition have drowned out some of the success, unfortunately.

“It is a matter to be overcome in the thirtieth year of the German unit, the separation into West and East.”

you praise their successes. But the SPD is not chosen. What’s still missing?
We believe that we can improve as Chairman of the Prestige of the SPD. By the way, very consciously as a Team.

Klara Geywitz to you, the keen control freak, have to be motivated to take the heart in the hands.
A number of people have me encouraged to candidacy. Also, Klara Geywitz. We want to lead the SPD as a good mix of experience and renewal. Klara Geywitz set with the parity law, which has set in Brandenburg, standards. Our candidacy is also a pan-German statement. It comes to overcome in the thirtieth year of the German unit, the separation into West and East.

the promise still Stands: No more Grand coalition?
Yes, Germany needs a government without a CDU and CSU . You notice how the Union such as the powdery mildew is on the Republic.

do you think the SPD would have a candidate for Chancellor. With, as of right now, 14 percent in the polls, would you really do?
All survey figures show how volatile is the political situation, how quickly Approval ratings can change. In spite of the bad values for the party, the leaders of the SPD to be rated very well – I’m pretty far to the front. The direct comparison with MS Kramp-Karrenbauer, the CDU or Mr. Habeck from the Green I do not need to be afraid. If we stick together and with a straight back on the pitch, we have all the opportunities in the Federal government.

Minus 4.2 percentage points to minus 11.7 percentage points, the losses of the SPD and the CDU in Thuringia: Reads, as the coalition was voted out of office in Berlin.
of Course, the results of a state election alone do not explain country-level, as playing a lot of factors in – not least the coalition in the Federal government. Therefore, we understand such lousy results as a mandate to fight the good fight. The SPD wants everywhere to be stronger in countries, in cities and municipalities. Such a departure is only possible if we find the right answer to the increasing uncertainty and waning Confidence of many citizens.

“in addition to the basic pension, I see the further integration of Europe and a global minimum tax as a Central theme.”

this coalition is in Need of a program for the final Phase of the legislature?
The coalition must show that it is on the amount of time and have an idea of what to do in the next two years, in order to be legitimized. As the SPD we want to achieve that for no reason fixed-term employment contracts have been largely ignored. We want a better old-age security, even for the self-employed. In addition to the basic pension, I see the further integration of Europe and a global minimum tax, also for digital companies, as the Central theme.

The current tax estimate has, once again, Surpluses, you could now cut taxes even?
no, that would not be fair. Those who make a lot of money, don’t need a tax cut.

The SPD must be from the Union accused the leadership question is not settled.
Such allegations are cute, because the CDU and the CSU have replaced their guides in the past year and discuss again about it. But I can calm down: In a good four weeks, the leadership issue in the SPD is solved.

you are Worried about the situation with the coalition partners?
We were very pleased that the Union has not interfered in our internal Affairs. We will pay a fair coin back.

No Trouble, because of the attacks on the government?
Some of the attack is very flimsy. What has been said by Mr. Merz as …

you mean the allegedly “abysmal” appearance.
… to Mrs Merkel inappropriate. It speaks well for someone, if facts is free rumgepöbelt.

Created: 31.10.2019, 19:16 PM