Positiviteten is hard to spot, when you read the comments to the recent government proposal that the retired people in Denmark have to have 1000 dollars tax-free in order to boost the Danish economy after the corona.
— We have from the government and put a proposal forward for, among others, pensioners and disability pensioners can get 1000 dollars tax free as a lump sum, said the finance minister, Nicolai Wammen, earlier on Sunday.
the Proposal was supposed to apply to everyone on welfare – thus it includes, for example, also a student at SU and benefit claimants.
But the proposal the government can immediately poke ‘incline up’, if you read the comments from the danes in Extra Magazine’s Facebook page, which is certainly not satisfied with the outlook.
That will be familiar. Who has been added to build it up as we have now. Yes absolutely true just retired, writes a.
– Use them for something else … It is to make fun of the elderly, writes another.
– They can shove the $ 1000 up where there is darkness, writes a third.
there are as Yet not reported any finally out for the summer package and the minister of finance has stated that there are other suggestions on how the package should look like.
– There are also other bids on the table, and it will not be easy negotiations. There are more requests than there is money, says Nicolai Wammen.