House by Joni Reunanen told me he took the knife according to the self-defense for, because I was dealing with the intoxicated male dominance.The father of the family believes that the police remain indifferent to him, against the death threats of Jokioisilla situated in a residential area in the event of a conflict in connection with last week’s Saturday.The man tried to get neighbors to turn down the music at night. The house by the time he told me he took the knife according to the self-defense for, because I was dealing with the intoxicated male dominance. The master of the house, in turn, told me to retrieve his shotgun.Inspector Tarja Lindstedt said that neighbour disputes is not worth to go find out for yourself, if you already a priori to experience, that place is a go to knife, or some other astalo with.Police remind, that the substance of a dispute should go to sort out without the police, if you will experience a situation inherently dangerous. Jenni Gästgivar

Kolmilapsisen the father of the family Joni Reunanen is annoyed by the police action. Reunasen view, the police remain indifferent to, inter alia, against him the death threat to Jokioisilla situated in a residential area in the event of a conflict in connection with last week’s Saturday.

a death threat is a serious matter, but even that doesn’t scare me as much as the Forssa police bad action. My worst fear is that the authorities, which should bring a sense of security, take it away, Reunanen review.

Reunanen lives Jokioisilla. He has told facebook living in their territories from conflict, which is why Reunasen family was forced to contact the police late on Saturday night a week ago.

– Some of the house speakers to hear the music so loud, that the children were not allowed to sleep. Spouse asked many times party people to reduce the music volume. Then I went up to the house, Reunanen tell you.


the House by Reunanen told me he took the knife according to the self-defense for, because I was dealing with the intoxicated male dominance.

I Asked them and several times to put external speakers off, as they partied inside the house. I asked you to stop a party but to turn off the speakers so that my children and my wife could get some sleep, Reunanen to figure out.

the Situation led Reunasen according to the fact, that he began to besiege.

I Took a knife for protection. I said to defend myself if they attacked me. The master of the house began to riot and throw stuff. He threatened to get a shotgun and kill me. Apparently one of the guests shouted at him in panic, that don’t get a shotgun, Reunanen claims.

the Police

Reunasen she got to eliminate the threat of the situation in his home. Common-law wife called the emergency center.

– the Cops seem to last a long time. The emergency centre was advised to go down on the floor and away from windows. We saw that someone came with a flashlight to investigate the housing from the outside. The children were in a panic, Reunanen tell you.

Eventually, the police patrol arrived at the scene to sort out the conflict.

the Police came and said that I myself was in a commotion with a knife. I told my own views on the matter. The police said that we get the most likely of the other party with the prosecution of illegal threat.

Reunasen view, the police did not take seriously the potential of the gun’s existence.

Police said that the house’s inhabitants don’t even have a gun permit. I didn’t see a gun, but the master threatened to send for it. The police can’t assume he has a gun or not. They should’ve looked at that apartment.

– Finally, the police stated that in finland, the neighborhood residents don’t kill each other. In addition, they urged us to go to sleep, Reunanen time events.

the ombudsman

at Night Reunasen wife went into the yard to smoke. He noticed that Reunasen loan by the car’s rear window was broken.

I Was again in the police context, which didn’t seem that interested. They said, that do not come with such a thing. I told him that the children and the mistress of fear, but I was only asked to send a photograph of the broken rear glass, Reunanen, baffled by the police’s reaction.

Reunanen, did not give up but insist on a police patrol on the spot.

after much debate, they came and said that can not prove who had broken the rear window. I think it was revenge night, past events, because the car was not stolen anything. The police advised me that I should get a plot of the cameras.

the Police action was an edge of disappointment.

Forssa police seem to have a attitude problem. The police doesn’t seem to die here someone or not. This is why I did the actions of the police complaint to the parliamentary ombudsman, Reunanen said.

Police comments

Lieutenant Tarja Lindstedt Häme police department comment on the police action at a general level, because there is no sense in that case.

He told reporters that the dispute situation, the police is on the spot is always both sides of the issue.

He pointed out that neighbour disputes is not worth to go find out for yourself, if you already a priori to experience, that place is a go to knife, or some other astalo with.

– Then it’s worth a call directly to the emergency center, if they feel that the situation is the slightest danger.

He said that if the dispute find out gone a person goes to a place for a knife or similar object with a dispute, one party may experience he has come to be threatened and make a police report.

– Then things will turn this place on the past parties against himself.

He said that the police patrol to check already on the scene, is at persons living weapon carry permits, if the residents ‘ identities are known.

the Alleged weapon of the search requires a warrant.

for a search warrant is not sufficient for the mere fact that someone says that I’ve got a shotgun.

the case has been fixed in the 10.12. clock 14.10: Reunasen common-law wife called the emergency center Saturday night.