resistance against the new mobile radio standard 5G seemed, until recently, mainly a matter of technology haters and esoteric. Their placards (“stop the 5G-dictatorship”), and alleged unveiling stories on the Internet (“Because of the 5G-Test in The Hague: hundreds of birds fall dead from the sky!”) speak the language of the conspiracy theorist. Of course, there is also the neighbourhood associations and local Residents, the fight against new cell phone antennas on their roofs. But there have always been, in previous cellular innovations in 3G, such as 4G.

This Time it is different. This week, the discomfort has been reached with the 5G technology is a new, political intensity. In Geneva, the CVP-member of the Parliament and the house of doctor Bertrand book has thrilled the Parliament in an emergency Motion for a 5G Moratorium. You do not know what the electromagnetic rays from the 5G-resulted in antennas that book for his Motion, particularly the brains of children reacted sensitively.

Video: risks and opportunities of 5G In Geneva were built first antennas. But it is only to test the modules. Video: SDA

Two-thirds of the Parliamentarians to see how he is. They agreed to the Motion to hold the government to a cantonal Moratorium. Specifically, in the summer report should be awaited on the effects of 5G of the Federal office for the environment (FOEN). The competent state councillor Antonio Hodgers (Green) does not want to impose the Moratorium for the time being. He says, on his Desk no applications for antenna hardware structures. And such a day, the process is very long.

in the Canton of Vaud, a 5G is being checked by the Moratorium. The Resolution was submitted by the lawyer Raphaël Mahaim. He says he knew dozens of cases of citizens who oppose in communities against building permits for 5G antennas. The people were concerned, he says. They feared a negative impact on your health. Reliable scientific studies were but are not. “Meanwhile, the companies provide small wars, who can build as many antennas.” The 35-Year-old sits for the Greens in the Federal diet. His Resolution calls for a “Moratorium on the Installation of 5G antennas”, the Parliament approved on Tuesday by a large majority. Now, the Council of state is on the train.

Until the end of 2019 is 5G everywhere

Such a policy braking the Telecom industry annoy. You don’t want to wait, but forward. By the end of 2019 in 90 per cent of the population should have access to the new high-speed 5G cellular network, said Swisscom at a Media event this week. First 5G Smartphones will be available in may in the sale. The new network will enable private users, seconds fast Downloads, but also machines and devices via the Internet network. Smart household appliances, adjoining cars, telemedicine: Here begins the much-touted Internet of things.

Health effects? No. “In the last 40 years, over 30’000 studies on the subject have been carried out. We could not find any correlation to the damage to health,” said Swisscom CEO Urs Schaeppi this week.

Who wants a new antenna on the roof (as it is here in Geneva)? Photo: Leandre Duggan (Keystone)

The people see in Saanen BE different. Against the 5G upgrade a Swisscom antenna in the Allmistrasse you have submitted an objection. In black castle BE the head of the local retirement and nursing home “Ar Sunnsyte care” because of a planned Salt-antenna to the health of the residents and employees. Also in unterseen, BE, Ostermundigen, BE, Niederrohrdorf AG and Valbella GR is protested and prevented. “For providers, it will make it harder – actually is occupied at the Moment, each new antenna projects with Objections”, says René Müller Grisons, office for nature and the environment. In Alpnach NW IG radiation-free bell-tower is struggling against a 5G plant of the Swisscom in the city of Zurich were residents of the Close-quarter to the municipal Council. Yet cantonal political initiatives, such as in the Romandie are missing in the German part of Switzerland. But what is of concern to the population, not representatives of the people be no matter.

Relaxed limits

The shows, the debate between the radiation limits at the national level. Because the existing, in a European comparison, rather deep Swiss limits for non-ionising radiation (NIR) according to the Telecom industry, impede the development and Expansion of the 5G network, it calls for a loosening of the rules. So far unsuccessful: a year Ago, a Motion to raise the radiation limits failed narrowly in the Council of States. The industry had warned in the run-up, without the higher limits, it may need 15 000 new cell phone antennas to the 5G network, and impressed the majority of the small chamber. “As long as the impact on human and animal health are not yet clear, it would be negligent not to raise the limits,” said the Thurgauer CVP-Councillor Brigitte Häberli-Koller.

country with no smog?

The population is worried on the subject of 5G, particularly the health effects of radiation. Also, the President of the farmers Association, is skeptical: Each farmer must decide for himself whether he wanted such an antenna, says Markus Ritter, the newspaper “Schweizer Bauer”. He does not want a 5G antenna at the house and the barn.

There are also other concerns. The rarely esoteric suspected house owners Association (HEV) is opposed to a relaxation of the exposure limits of mobile radio equipment, because he fears a reduction in value of real estate. In a position paper of the HEV of the “psychological impact” writes. It looks like the 5G antenna from the kitchen window, reduces the value of the kitchen.

Ultimately, it’s about societal issues: it Is necessary that the refrigerator can automatically order new milk from the online store of the wholesale distributor? We need to be able to in Tram and jam ultra-fast Videos can stream? We should not focus more on the real world around us, instead of even more areas with the cell phone rules of life? For proponents of the technology such objections are hopelessly future enemy, the romantic thoughts. You radiate Confidence. The electrification of road transport would also have to prevail against skepticism and prohibitions. Was worth it. Or?


Fear of health effects from 5G technology?

We know too little, that is why I have concerns.
I trust in authorities and companies.
don’t Care.

We know too little, that is why I have concerns.


I trust in authorities and companies.


don’t Care.


539 votes

We know too little, that is why I have concerns.


I trust in authorities and companies.


don’t Care.


539 votes

Actually, it should produce the mobile radio standard 5G less radiation than the predecessor networks: The data are more compact Packed, and the antenna radiation in a more focused, which is not charged to users is significantly less. In buildings the load is also lower, because the shorter 5G-waves are stopped by the walls. The benefits, however, apply only in the case of a sustained data set. With 5G, this is expected to increase more than without. The bottom line is then the result, therefore, a higher exposure to radiation from antennas. However, the new Standard is detrimental to our health? “There is no evidence that the 5G has a stronger or different effects than existing networks,” says Martin Röösli, expert for mobile on tropical and Public Health Institute in Basel. For the mobile use, only little information on potential risks. A cancer suspicion could not be confirmed.

5G works in the microwave range, in which kitchen utensils to heat the food. In future networks, even shorter wavelengths are used. Anyway, the energies are but the mobile is much deeper: “The thermal effect of the 5G is very small and not noticeable”, so Röösli, head of the expert group on “Non-ionizing radiation” of the Federal government. He holds a 5G Moratorium is not appropriate, as long as the limit values to be complied with. The reason is that 5G, which is currently being expanded, used similar frequencies as the previous networks.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 11.04.2019, 21:12 PM