When it comes to the Federal Council, there should be a new duty, authorities representatives and train control in your face, if identification is needed

On the Initiative “Yes to the veiling ban,” and the indirect counter-proposal may well decide the Parliament. The Federal Council approved on Friday its Embassy. In his basic attitude he maintained after the consultation, however, he modified the indirect counter-proposal.

The popular initiative requires that in the whole of Switzerland, no one is allowed to veil in the public space of the face. Exceptions would be only for reasons of security, health, climate and local traditions. Also, nobody should be allowed to have a Person force you to cover your face.

Behind the Initiative is the “Egerkinger Committee,” the Solothurn SVP national councillor Walter Wobmann, the Initiative was with the Anti-minaret-successfully.

a matter for the cantons

From the point of view of the Federal Council, the Initiative will shoot over the target. You problematisiere a rare phenomenon, and interference in the autonomy of the cantons’, writes the Federal Council in its message to Parliament. The cantons should also be able to decide for themselves whether they wanted to adopt a veiling ban, and how they veiled the tourists from the Arab region to bypass.

He was aware, however, that face-veiling could lead to problems, the Federal Council. He, therefore, propose targeted measures at the legislative level. After the consultation, the Federal Council, however, decided to waive some of the proposed provisions.

No penal provision on forced

Originally, he wanted to explicitly in the law that it is punishable to compel someone to the veiling of the face. Offenders should face a prison sentence of up to three years or to a monetary penalty. The Federal Council wants to waive. In the process of the FDP was particularly against this provision. Generally speaking, said no to a proposal, the Green and the SVP. The Green the rules go too far, the SVP.

The Federal Council emphasizes that it is not acceptable to force a Person to cover your face. With the offence of assault is already punishable by law. It should also be borne in mind that the face-veiling could also be the free choice of a Person, such as in the case of converted Swiss.

The checker face

show The law is to be anchored, however, that people must show their face, if this is for the purpose of identification is necessary – for example, in the areas of Migration, customs, social insurance and passenger transport.

if you are travelling in the train with a General or a half – fare travelcard, you will need to show to the ticket inspector in the face. This also applies for persons travelling without valid ticket in public transport and, therefore, the identity card must show.

penalty after two warnings

Who refuses, despite repeated requests, a representative, or a representative of a public authority, to reveal the face of, shall be punished with a fine. The request must be made at least two Times.

The Maximum fine is CHF 10’000. Probably the buses should not be in the majority of cases, but more than a few hundred francs, or else you could be disproportionate, writes the Federal Council. In cases where a Person requests an administrative power, will result in the refusal, however, to the refusal of performance.


In the case of an adoption of the Initiative Face coverings of all kinds were forbidden, so, for example, Vermummungen in demonstrations, but also religious Face coverings, such as burqa and Nikab. However, it would still be possible to wear a head scarf or a scarf that covers the hair. According to the interpretation of the Federal Council, the face from the forehead to the chin must remain visible.

In Switzerland, be it in a social exchange is important to show his face, the government maintains. The encounter with people who veiled her face for religious reasons, could cause trouble or discomfort. However, covered persons are to be found in Switzerland very rarely. Switzerland is committed to a liberal social order. Comprehensive dress rules are in conflict with this.

people’s initiatives and parliamentary motions for a burqa ban there was in the different cantons. Successful you were in the cantons of Ticino and St. Gallen. In Ticino, the ban in July 2016, in St. Gallen since the beginning of the year. (nag/sda)

Created: 15.03.2019, 14:30 PM