Long had quarreled the Federal government, now there is a decision For a further six months to be delivered no arms to Saudi Arabia. The European partners, however, is not likely to favor the SPD.

After a week long dispute with the Federal government, the arms export ban to Saudi Arabia for six months until 30. September is extended. For this period, in principle, no new applications would be approved, said government spokesman Steffen Seibert in the late evening after a meeting of the Federal security Council, with Chancellor Angela Merkel.

anger in France

The SPD had insisted on an extension of the stops. Party leader Andrea Nahles had given exports a cancellation. The Union, however, led to the implementation of common European armament projects, the fact that Germany could make no decision alone. In the case of allies, such as France, the German sparked the anger.

The Federal security Council decisions in important single responsibility of exports, decisions on Arms. To belong to the body of the Secretary of defense, the Minister of foreign Affairs, the Minister of the interior, the Department heads of Finance, economy and justice, as well as the development Minister and the chief of the Federal Chancellery. as permanent members of the Chancellor

Stegner reiterated the attitude of the SPD in the case of arms exports to Saudi-Arabia
Nina Barth, ARD Berlin
28.03.2019 23:49 PM

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the Union and the SPD without agreement on arms exports, 27.03.2019 ban on Exports to Saudi Arabia: halt at the shipyard, 05.03.2019 Atlas |Germany |Berlin
