Another attack plan. Foiled again at the last minute. At the weekend, SEK officers arrested a 32-year-old Iranian. He is said to have attempted to obtain the bioweapons cyanide and ricin. According to security circles, the man sympathized with the terrorist organization Islamic State. Accordingly, the FBI gave the Federal Criminal Police Office a crucial tip. The security authorities are once again benefiting from their contacts abroad. There, the authorities have far better opportunities to monitor threats. Opportunities that investigators and intelligence services have been fighting for in this country for years.

The federal government, on the other hand, has recently acknowledged the issue of Islamism with indifference. A group of experts based at the Federal Ministry of the Interior will not be continued under the traffic light coalition. It has been deleted without replacement.

During the search in the Ruhr area for a possible planned attack, the investigators found no toxins in the suspect’s apartment. This was confirmed by senior public prosecutor Holger Heming, general public prosecutor’s office in Düsseldorf, in an interview with WELT.

Source: WORLD

A series of attacks on synagogues had already shocked the Ruhr area in November: shots were fired at the rabbi’s house in Essen, and arson was set near the synagogue in Bochum. Investigators anticipated a planned assassination attempt in Dortmund. They suspect a group with the best connections to the Iranian state behind the series. WELT research showed: At least one suspect went in and out of a radical Shiite mosque. Supporters of the terrorist organization Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards meet there.

How is Germany reacting? Perhaps the decisive blow against Shia-Iranian extremism is a long time coming. The doors of the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) are still open. The IZH is considered the most important representation of the mullah regime. And the German government has still not classified the Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization. According to the Foreign Office, the prerequisites for this have not been met. This is nonsense. And it shows that this federal government needs a group of experts on Islamism more urgently than ever.