Due to the weakening economy and the decline in refugee the Federal government plans to provide to pay significantly less money for the housing and Integration of migrants. States and municipalities criticise the announcement.

States and municipalities are up in arms against plans by the German Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, the Federal grant to the refugee to reduce costs significantly. “The Federal government and the Länder have to find a way that will be the real expenses of the municipalities for refugees and the expenditure for the purpose of Tolerated involves,” said the managing Director of the German Association of cities, Helmut Dedy. Necessary a “long-term financing arrangements for accommodation and meals, as well as the Integration of refugees is, therefore,”.

the end of 2019 from running several support schemes of the Federal government: the 670-Euro flat rate for foreigners in the asylum procedure, the integration fee and the Takeover of the costs of accommodation for recognized refugees. Instead, the Ministry of Finance plans a flat rate per refugee for the first five years after arrival. In the first year and 16,000 euros are to be paid, later less.

the funding of integration measures could be reduced.

Up to 75 percent less money p class=”text small”> After calculation, the Hamburg Senate Chancellery would reduce the Federal government so that its support is currently 4.7 billion to around 1.3 billion Euro per year<. The amount of the new fee had first reported the "Bild"newspaper.

cities-in-chief Dedy said: “The current plans of the Federal government for a refugee in a lump sum, do not accept the cities.” CSU leader Markus Söder had warned Scholz already last week, before the significant cuts: “The countries are very concerned that the Federal government wants to halve its integration of funding for municipalities. Even three-quarters of the benefits are to be deleted.”