A major strength of firefighters have been working since Monday to dislodge solidified chocolate from a long stretch on a street in Westönnen to the east of Dortmund in western Germany.

with the chocolate ran in a steady river out from the company DreiMeister Spezialitäten at Weststrasse and slowly spread the viscous load across the asphalt.

An eyewitness, Tobias Teutenberg, tells the magazine Soester daily gazette how he saw the chocolate to pour out through a door and out on to the street.

With the help of a cup, he was able to scoop up a part before it is twenty metres long, two metres wide and decimetertjocka mjökchokladskakan had solidified.

still warm and pleasant, it tasted really good, ” says Tobias Teutenberg to the newspaper.

The first police on the spot could only conclude that the best way to get rid of the chocolate would be to contact all of the city’s children and ask them to bring a spoon to eat with. But that was not the case. Once the chocolate is well set, it was the fire departments job to chop and shovel it away.

Traffic on the street could again be released on Wednesday.