First aid supplies of the International Committee of the Red cross (ICRC) arrived in Venezuela. A plane with medicines and electricity generators on Board, landed on Tuesday in the airport of Caracas, such as the ICRC announced via Twitter.

from Panama posted charge is part of an increasing humanitarian aid for Venezuela to almost three-fold to nearly $ 25 million. This had been decided by the ICRC a few days ago.

“We ask everyone to avoid the politicization of this has been a great success,” said the President of the Venezuelan Red cross, Mario Villarroel. The intended delivery to 28 hospitals in Venezuela will be carried out according to the principles of independence and neutrality. The ICRC had recently signed with Venezuela’s Ministry of health to sign an agreement to the people notversorgen.

Venezuela is in a severe political and economic crisis, which has led the health system, the food supply and the electricity supply to the brink of collapse. Head of state Nicolás Maduro , has declared a work-free day for the whole of Easter week, in order to repair the damaged electricity networks. Since the beginning of March, Venezuela is suffering from widespread power outages.

the leader of The opposition and self-appointed interim President, Juan Guaidó was failed in February against Maduro’s resistance to aid bring in particular from the USA to Venezuela. The military is more loyal to Maduro, blocked the supplies.

Maduro was blocked for a long time to aid deliveries from abroad. He referred to you as an attempt to prepare the ground for the US-led military invasion. Washington is one of the main supporters Guaidós. (nag/sda)

Created: 16.04.2019, 19:14 PM