the same Time as the last battle against the IS, it is in Federal criminal court in Bellinzona for the first court hearing against Syria-returnees. Are accused but not a single of the numerous IS-supporters from Switzerland, but two opponents of the jihadis. One of the two defendants who risked in the fight against the Islamists of his life, is in the Ticino-born Johan Cosar. In the early eighties in St. Gallen-born Cosar commanded in Syria about two years, troops of a Christian militia.

He belongs to an Assyrian family living in three-Generation in Switzerland. Assyrians form in Syria and adjacent countries a minority. These Christians still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus.

His father was deported advised

Christians and Kurds in the Syrian North-East soon after the outbreak of the Revolution against the Assad Regime in 2011, under pressure of the jihadis and the Arab rebels. Distress of the Assyrian party SUP built up their own troupe. Vice-President of the SUP of the Ticino Sait Cosar. His son, Johan is now in Switzerland before the court.

The SUP refused, with the Assad Regime to cooperate. Father Sait Cosar was abducted by the Syrian secret service in Damascus. Later, the authorities sent to the relatives of a death certificate, the alleged cause of death heart attack. This document contained obvious falsehoods. Even therefore, one must assume that father Cosar, 2014, has been killed by the Regime. Anyway, the Swiss citizens has not been seen since, alive.

the son of Johan was one of the founders of the Syriac Military Council (MFS). The Assyrian militia defended together with Kurdish forces, the areas in the far North-East of Syria against the onslaught of the Islamists – as of 2014, even with American air support.

use for the Assyrians was not a secret

In Switzerland, had served Johan Cosar stated that five years as a Sergeant in the army. In Syria, the chief of the Canton of Ticino was the first Assyrian fighters, took part in battles and commanded in the beginning of 2015 a battalion. His war name was Omid. From its use to the Assyrians, and against the Islamists, he made no secret. Johan Cosar gave numerous Interviews.

The small Assyrian militia helped the IS in Syria and in Iraq to push back, and she was involved in 2017, also in the conquest of the Syrian the IS capital of Raqqa. Previously, in February 2015, Johann Cosar returned after two years in the war zone in Switzerland. Upon arrival in Basel, he was arrested. But he is already back on free foot. From today until probably Friday, he will have to answer in Bellinzona in front of a military court, that in the building of the Federal criminal court is in session. Johan Cosar and a co-defendant are accused of weakening the military force and foreign military service. Cosar announced that he will fight for an acquittal.

two Sentenced

The so-called mercenaries in article 94 of the military criminal act, usually against legionaries. In the past ten years, 16 the Swiss were convicted of “foreign military service”. 14 of them had served in the French alien force.

Add to that two convictions of the West were Swiss fighters for militant Kurdish units. A son of a Swiss Federal judge conceded, 2013, a conditional fine of 330 days sets of 30 francs, because he stood around for a decade for the PKK. Last August, a constable from Geneva, was sentenced to a conditional monetary penalty of 120 days in sets of 20 Swiss francs, because he had – ostensibly as a Translator with the Kurdish YPG in Syria.

Islamists in queue

Against Islamist fighters, no Swiss court rulings. Although have gone according to the news service of the Federation 78 “jihadist motivated travellers from Switzerland,” in the Syrian-Iraqi civil war. But, of the officially 16 returnees, only one has been sentenced to 600 hours of community service, per the order of punishment without a court hearing. The office of the attorney General takes around 60 criminal proceedings against suspected ISIS and Al-Qaeda supporters. They determined, among other things, against the Islamists from Winterthur and Geneva, and returned some time ago from Syria or other Muslim countries. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 20.02.2019, 06:25 PM