Matteo Salvini has engulfed his government partner from the Cinque Stelle now. With skin, hair and heart. Maybe you have to devote to this political cannibalism in the Italian history books a whole Chapter, and because of the recent bite will play a Central role.

The intensification in the fight against Maritime search and rescue in the Mediterranean sea, the parade, the theme of the right of the Minister of the interior, is now law. Although some on the left star until shortly before the final had sworn vote of confidence in the Senate that they would vote against the further criminalisation of the helpers, holding it at the end of the few rebels in abstaining on the vote.

One of them is cited as a justification for an old quip from the Roman political operation: “politics is blood and Shit.” When he had bent as a compromise – unfortunately, but of necessity. It is a shame game.

policy was “blood and Shit”, said a rebel of the Cinque point, wanted to vote against Salvini’s immigration policies, and drew then.

Previously, had sacrificed the party have all of your environmental principles. And what she did in Power so far, only succeeded in half-or poorly communicated. Burns up in a year. And we admit Salvini that he is a colossal political weakness of the Cinque and your “Capo politico”, Luigi Di Maio, has recognized from the beginning, better than friend and foe, even better than all the analysts in the Newspapers, and they took advantage of. Patient and smart. He smelled the blood in order to remain in the image.

Now Lega , which it had brought in the parliamentary elections of 2018, up from 17 per cent in the polls with almost 40 per cent. And the stars are dropped from 33 to 15 percent. When there has been the ever, such a reversal of power relations in such a short time? Di Maio and cohorts cling only to their Ministerial posts and seats in Parliament, and this parenthesis is known to the Italians, is terrible. The Cinque Stelle have become a caste. Would, today, be re-elected, would be the most of them away and quickly forgotten.

Created: 06.08.2019, 21:25 PM