Former Bundestag Vice President Antje Vollmer (Greens) has heavily criticized her party for its foreign policy positions, among other things. “The Greens have revealed their historical place, which has made them unique in the German party landscape and also in the European future debate for a long time,” she told the online magazine “Telepolis”.
They would have offered an alternative way of dealing with the conflict between the two blocs during the Cold War. From Vollmer’s point of view, at the beginning of the 1980s the Greens positioned themselves exactly where the world threatened to be torn apart. And they would have endured this tension.
“The old peace movement in the FRG and the GDR attacked rearmament in East and West in the same way and thus chose a highly controversial location,” she continued. In the matter, this had “amazing success”. Today, however, the Greens have a tendency to “prematurely side with the presumed winners of history”.
Vollmer sees the green self-definition undermined by the current politics of the party. Leading Greens would describe themselves and the party as state-supporting. “But where are you taking this state? Towards a leadership role in Europe? In the direction of future economic wars? In the direction of new rearmament spirals? Or do we want to become world champions of morality above all else?”
With regard to the war in Ukraine, Vollmer said: “No one has yet satisfactorily answered the question of how we can achieve a stable peace order in this Europe, which has gotten into such a disastrous state.” Apparently, this should only be discussed “after the Victory over the hated (Kremlin chief Vladimir) Putin”. Antje Vollmer was Vice President of the Bundestag from 1994 to 2005.