“The Hen is mostly unknown minister of the government”

“But in the end, while Magdalena Andersson has become a celebrity”

“finance Minister Magdalena Andersson has broken the downward trend.”

“For the first time in three years feel more that she is, according to the Aftonbladetu002FInizio.”

“On behalf of Aftonbladet investigating Inizio each year, how well known the government’s ministers are.”

“Not for that fame in itself is desirable in politics. But because it is easier to reach out with their message to the people that the voters can relate to.”

“Magdalena Andersson has from the point of view had a sharp uphill since she became the minister of finance (S) for just over four years ago.”

“After a couple of months on the statsrådstaburetten said seven per cent of the electorate that they did not know who she was. A year later the figure was six per cent.”

“But then occurred a strange thing. The minister of finance, one of the government’s most central minister, became more and more unknown. At the end of 2016, the felt 12 per cent of the voters not to her, twelve months later, it was almost a fifth, 18 per cent.”

“But now, the trend is broken. Magdalena Andersson is the year kändisraket in the government. In one year, the proportion who do not know her, declined by 13 percentage points to five per cent. It made her in all haste to one of the government’s celebrities.”

“the Immediate is, as it should be, prime minister Stefan the Leaves. Everyone knows who he is. But of the five ministers who are most familiar to voters, there are three miljöpartistiska minister, Fridolin, Bah Kuhnke and Lövin.”

“It tells us that it is not always to the advantage to be known as a politician. The three get a bad score by the voters for their work in the government during the past year, according to a survey from the Inizio such as Aftonbladet published yesterday.”

“To be known is not the same as being popular. To be the politicians also appear to be trustworthy and ordhållig.”

“Roughly divided, you can include the ministers of the three categories. Doldisarna that half or more do not know at all. In this category there were neither last year or this year is no minister.”

“most of The government’s ministers have been since the change of government in 2014, and has had time to establish themselves in voters’ consciousness.”

the “Category two is the unknown that between 11 and 49 per cent do not know. The group contains in the year, just like last year, 14 ministers.”

“The third group is superkändisarna that not more than ten per cent do not know. They are this year, like last year, nine in number. Here you will find the oldtimers that Ylva Johansson, Morgan Johansson, and Margot Wallström.”

“Most unknown of the government’s ministers is Helene Hellmark Knutsson, research and högskoleminister and chairman of the social Democrats’ largest district, the county of Stockholm. “

“Possibly, she has duties against them. Research is not among the most public of political issues. Not the school either.”

“It is not the case for the second-most unknown to the minister, Karolina Skog. She has the care of the ever-present environmental issues, despite the fact that don’t know a third of the voters who she is which must be regarded as a failure.”

“How many of these ministers, who will sit in the next government, provided that there will be a new rödgrön coalition, is unclear.”

“Gustav Fridolin will not do it. He ends up as a spokesperson in may. But how many others go remains to be seen.”


“So famous is the government’s ministers”

“Minister, So many do not know.”

“1. Helene Hellmark Knutsson (S), science 39 percent”

“2. Karolina Skog (MP), minister for the environment 31”

“Anna Ekström (S), gymnasieminister 31”

“4. Lena Hallengren (S), gender equality, 30”

“5. Ann Linde (S), minister for EU affairs 28”

“6. Per Bolund (MP), financial markets 27”

“7. Heléne Fritzon (S), minister 26”

“Sven-Erik Bucht (S), minister of rural affairs 26”

“9. Tomas Eneroth (S), minister of infrastructure of 21”

“10. Ardalan Shekarabi (S), civilminister 19”

“11. Peter Eriksson (MP), minister of housing 17”

“12. Mikael Damberg (S), minister of economic 16”

“13. Annika Strandhäll (S), the minister for social protection, 15”

“14. Ibraham Baylan (S), coordination and energy 11”

“15. Ylva Johansson (S), the minister of labour, 10”

“16. Morgan Johansson (S), minister of justice of 9”

“17. Peter Hultqvist (S), the minister of defense 7”

“18. Margot Wallström (S), minister of foreign affairs 6”

“19. Magdalena Andersson (S) minister 5”

“20. Isabella Lövin (MP), minister of development cooperation, 3”

“21. Alice Bah Kuhnke (MP), minister of culture 2”

“22. Gustav Fridolin (MP), minister of education 1”

“23. Stefan Löfven (S), the prime 0”

“the Proportion who say they do not know the minister.”

“were made to the survey: It is made by Inizio on behalf of Aftonbladet, within the framework of the Schibstedu002FInizios opinionspanel that reflects the Swedish people. 2 134 people over the age of 18 years were interviewed through the web 3 and 12 december.”

“the Question that was asked was really about which score the respondents wanted to give at the ministers’ work during the year. But since the only those who indicated that they knew the minister was also registered information about how well known the government is for the public.”

“Join our opinionspanel you also.”

“you Want to be with and respond to Inizios studies where we find out what the Swedish people think about various issues? Results are presented, inter alia, in the newspaper Aftonbladet. It is voluntary to answer, you are anonymous and can go out whenever you want. Click on the link to sign up.”