Anssi Kiander position of the face in a permanent memory of new year’s 1996 ampumastaan defective Komet Bomb 3 -fireworks rocket. The same rocket product injuries received 250 more Finnish.Small gunpowder nugget left eye is … types of Solitaire Kianderille permanent memory of 22 years ago new year’s night fireworks accident in your yard. Kimmo Innovative

in the left eye there’s a tiny powder nugget. It resembles the new year’s night, 1996, when the Komet Bomb 3 -the name of the fireworks blew up in his face. The accident happened, although Kiander had set the rocket in the snow firmly for launch.

Kiander was already worked on. He had put a rocket behind a fence, that it kaatuessaankaan leave your viewers in the direction of. Reach up to the ignition wire but he had to reach the fence because of rocket on top.

the Rocket exploded immediately fire upon receipt and entered the shower as well as the plastic dowels to the rocket to get hit kiander’s face. He flew half a meter lying on his back.

his Eyes opened after he had time to see the rocket explode in the sky. The plastic plugs left bruises on the face, and some of your hair back.

the Court ordered compensation

Kiander have to visit the health centre, but escaped serious injuries, although the rocket blew up after the face was full of black and small blood droplets. Follow-up treatment Kiander not his injuries didn’t need.

start the whole event a bit of a laugh thing. Then is not laughing anymore, when Kiander began to hear the news of the Komet Bomb 3:n to be of the faulty product, that caused when it blows serious injuries all over Finland. At worst, the unexpected way in the face of the exploding rocket had caused brain damage and permanent disability.

the Accident followed the proceedings in the district court and after hovioikeude. The court of appeal ordered in the end the Komet Bomb 3 -rocket to the importer to pay the injured a compensation of about four million of the then Finnish marks, that is worth around 650 000.

Kianderkin made incident to the criminal complaint and received compensation, the Exact amount he does not remember anymore.

it doesn’t, however, think I have like 1 000 current eur equivalent amounts to be. I was satisfied with the compensation, when I did not have the event from permanent injuries, he said.

the evening paper the news of the Komet Bomb 3:n, for the damage caused 2.1.1997. Henri karkkainen blow right to the face

look in the Mirror, a small trail there, however, recalls what happened. Also kiander’s then long hair have remained after the accident shorter.

at That time in Finland, fireworks users has not yet been assigned to protect the glass compulsion. Not used Kianderkin, though they do not even should have protected him ruhjeilta.

gunpowder splashes would be lojahtaneet face in any case, the goggles or not. Although I acted according to the instructions, so in hindsight I can say, however, that was a bit foolish to set so that I had it set when you reach the fence on top of it. I think the fuse gradually so that I could rocket into the air upon leaving the out of the way. The rocket, however, exploded the wrong way immediately wire the resulting spark, Kiander recalls.

the Product was the wrong kind of fuse, and it was ordered immediately after the events of out of the sale.

Kianderille not after an accident left a permanent rocket fright, and the two kids delight sometimes he’s since purchased the rockets. The accident happened in the Kiander was only 26 years old, and that’s when the fireworks money go more.

This year Kiander not going to buy rockets. Your own accident in the new year 1996 in the then garden.

I don’t know if I’m going to watch other men shoot. It may be that I go, but just as well might leave without going. Common sense, of course, to keep fireworks shoot in to use, and the protection glass, you should definitely put on the eyes. My own son is now a 15-year-old daughter and 9-year-old. They do not have their own rockets much yearning, like yes on their watch. The boy may shooting to go with friends to see and bang to. Of course, he also stressed caution.

Elina, 25, bought his life for the first fireworks – a Explosion in the face blinding one eye: ”After all, it fucking stop.”