The Council of States as the culmination of a long political career? Grey heads, the advise in the Chambre de Réflexion cared about the fate of the country? Once upon a time.

In the new legislature more young politicians move to the small chamber than ever before in the last 50 years. Around the turn of the Millennium, not a single Council of States member was under 40 years old. Since the recent elections, there are six. The sounds in absolute Numbers, according to little, is in the 46-member Stöckli but a small Revolution. The U-40 ratio reached to 13 percent, by far the highest value since 1971, as previously noticed data of the parliamentary services. Further back, the available statistics are not enough.

Traditionally, there were two paths in the Council of States: Either its members were previously a member of the cantonal government. Or you had abverdient their spurs in the national Council. However, these laws have been resolved in this Council of States elections.

Also found it’s way into the Stöckli – and not one of the king’s way: a 31-year-old free Democrat Johanna Gapany in Freiburg. Photo: Anthony Anex (Keystone)

Although have been already selected earlier sporadic young Ständeräte. So for example, today’s Federal councillor Alain Berset 2003 made the choice as a 31-Year-old. Also, the two free-thinking Damian Müller (Lucerne) or Andrea Caroni (Appenzell Ausserrhoden) were only 31 – or 35-year-old, when she moved in four years ago in the Council of States.

Older members of the Council dethroned

New in this election, but now that U-40 politicians in a row have boots older favorites out. In Freiburg, the 31-year-old free Democrat Johanna slammed Gapany the 62-year-old Former Beat Vonlanthen (CVP) office. In Glarus, the 35-year-old Green Mathias Zopfi extruded the 58-year-old Werner Hösli (SVP). In new castle the 35-year-old Green Céline Vara took a seat on the previously, the SP was subscribed to. In Geneva, the 31-year-old Green Lisa Mazzone struck the 50-year-old free intimate Hugues Hiltpold.

what is Striking is that all six U-40-Ständeräte only two parties: Gapany, Caroni and Müller are free-willed; Zopfi, Vara and Mazzone are Green.

the election of six U-40 Was-politicians just a statistical outlier?

The new U-40-politicians, press, the average age in the Council of States from around 56 to new 54,8 years. These data, the Federal statistical office provides on request of this newspaper. It is the lowest average age in the 21st century. Century.

the average age does not drop more, is due to the fact that in the next higher age group – the 40 – to 50-year-old – only two Ständeräte are to be found. The remaining 38 members of the Council are over 50 years old. You all must be wondering now: Was the choice of six U-40-politicians just a statistical outlier? Or must tremble at the next elections for additional members of the Council to your office? Full the Council of States to, now, a development that is in the national Assembly since 15 years ago in progress?

it used to be 20 of 200

In the great chamber there was always something more U-40-politicians in the Council of States. Up to the turn of the Millennium, less than 20 of the 200 national Council members belonged, but mostly in this age category. Since 2003, has increased this rate steady and strong. 20. October has already been set 43 under-40-year-old national councils – also a new high since 1971.

Paul Rechsteiner, here in front of the Federal house, is one of the last of the “Bastion of the Old” and Amtsältester in the Council of States. Photo: Adrian Moser

The eldest councillor, is the new legislature, by the way, the 67-year-old SP representative Paul Rechsteiner. When he was elected in 1986 to the Federal Parliament, were not born of his new colleagues Johanna Gapany and Lisa Mazzone once again.

Created: 28.11.2019, 17:33 PM