After more than 100 years ago under the name of “Royal court” – previously, it was since 1866, the Hotel Bellevue -and, after 80 years under the Aegis of the family hostage, the luxury hotel will be demolished and then rebuilt. For the traffic there will be, given the scale of the site, surprisingly few restrictions. The district administration Department wants to block a car lane in the sun and the Bayer road along the Hotels, during construction the sidewalks will be on the left and to the right of the Hotel, the Tram has to drive something slower. the Franz Kotteder

Carl hostage is not an overly sentimental person, but a little wistful these days is him. Where other hotel Manager enthusiastic of innovations would rave and the unprecedented possibilities of a bright future, he has shown almost fate. Finally, an Era now for the Hotelier hostage really to the end, to strive to be the sought-after word in here one more Time. On new year’s eve, put an end to the Royal court, both in the Hotel and in the Restaurant. After more than 100 years under this name before it was called since 1866, the Hotel Bellevue -and, after 80 years under the Auspices of his family, the luxury hotel, will be demolished and then rebuilt.

Long, it is the Hotel Königshof.

(photo: Florian Peljak)

Carl Geisel and his two brothers Michael and Stephan have grown up with this house, it is the flagship of their small but exclusive hotel group, the Excelsior, Anna Hotel, Munich-Schwabing, truth, and the Beyond at the Marienplatz. And somehow one has the impression that the three are currently much more often than usual to the Royal court scurry around. Stephan Geisel, one meets, for example, in the wine gallery to the left of the main entrance for the Geisel’s also a wine shop and a private vineyard in the Tauber valley. The wine gallery will soon be moving into the Duke hospital road 24, since there is a lot to organize. Michael hostage has a lot to do in the house, here and there. And Carl hostage anyway. He is the managing Director for the Royal court, the division among the three brothers decide otherwise together.

at the moment, you still feel a little of the upcoming changes. In the Foyer everything is, as always, in the magazine rack glossy trend magazine with Cyrillic and Arabic titles. The clientele, which one of the 16 suites from 610 euros per night, down to simple rooms for a minimum of 250 Euro.

The Hotel Stachus is demolished.

(photo: Florian Peljak)

That such a tradition is to be demolished house, such as here at the Stachus and completely rebuilt again, this is unusual. “It is also technically an extreme challenge,” says Carl hostage. Because under the house there is the S-Bahn Tunnel between the main and East train station and the Stachus is in the basement with the big shopping centre. The three brothers praised an architect’s competition, the Spanish office Nieto Soejano Arquitetos of Fuensanta Nieto and Enrique Sobejano have won it. Your spectacular design with nine storeys and the length of the facade of the Munich traditionalists angry cut. But in the end the design by the urban design Commission. From next year it will be implemented for tens of millions of euros up to the year 2021, when the old building is demolished in 1955. 130 rooms, there are then. At the very top, on the ninth floor, is placed the cuisine, with stunning views over the city.

Today, it is located in the first floor, with a glazed, Panoramic, directly on the Stachus square and with a view to the sun road. “Aquarium” Betgram has baptized the people’s mouth the Restaurant. Here are the Geldigen and Peppered and food star kitchen, while outside, the admittedly somewhat portly Munich big city life.

the Hotelier Carl hostage is sitting in the shop window next to a Secretary, to be sold.

(photo: Florian Peljak)

In the kitchen of the restaurant is destroyed, meanwhile, is distinguished in the world. Martin Fauster, the chef since the age of 14, just about to get a visit. The truffle dealer Stephan Burger of the company La Bilancia has brought a magnificent white truffle, proud 570 grams. Fauster is impressed. And thoughtful. Long he and Carl hostage is trying to bring the Team together and a Michelin-starred Restaurant in a different location. Plans, in the Bogenhausen yard move, smashed, and now the kitchen and service staff scattered in all winds. “Of course, our people have no Problem,” says Fauster, “good staff is very much in demand at the moment.”

Fauster self now takes a break, he says. “It’s a strange feeling,” he says, “if I bring in the morning, my daughter in the nursery. After that, I drive normally with the U-Bahn in the work. In January, I can head back home.” Still, he says, he has no new job. And at the moment he has to do later: In the Restaurant, all the tables are up to, and including, the big new year’s eve party is completely sold out. His Fans want to say goodbye: “Which are sometimes almost sadder than we are.”

The Hotel symbolizes a piece of history of the city Munich.

(photo: Florian Peljak)

A bit sad also Rudolf lead holder. The jeweler has his Shop on the North side of the hotel. For 70 years, his family is represented in the Royal court, “grandpa was there”. Lead holder no longer manufactures its jewelry itself, so there is something often. Family operation, just as the whole Royal court. Now that the move is imminent, you draw only once to the Hotel Blauer Bock at Sebastian’s place. If there is a return when the new building is? “We are in good conversations,” said lead holder, “the relationship to the management of the hotel is really good, so something there is just under a lot of family.”

most of The other shops have already moved out, the Eiscafé Venezia in the back, for example, the “costumes of madness” in the front or the porcelain, and Cutlery dealer Biebl on the South side. In the empty shop spaces now you can find furniture, pictures, lampshades from the hotel rooms, which are sold at reasonable prices. It all would have gone anyway. “Some guests have already asked for certain pieces of furniture,” says Carl hostage, “a regular customer wants to have the image, under the she has 20 years of sleep.” In January, when the Hotel is closed, should there be a large Bazaar. Everything must go.

at the moment, you still feel a little of the upcoming changes. In the Foyer, everything is as always.

(photo: Florian Peljak)

Then it gets serious. For the traffic there will be, given the scale of the site, surprisingly few restrictions. The district administration Department wants to block a car lane in the sun and the Bayer road along the Hotels, during construction the sidewalks will be on the left and to the right of the Hotel, the Tram has to drive something slower. “In the third week of January, the current is shut off,” says Carl hostage, “mid-to-late February, the actual demolition takes place.”

Then Carl is a hostage, if you will, a Hotelier without the Hotel. Is not it boring? “There are other things to do enough,” he says, “we must stay with the Rest of the group, therefore, not only because we have a highly elaborate construction.” This is all the more important as the competition will grow in the luxury segment. In this respect, the time is not the cheapest. Hostage shrugs his shoulders: “What is a good time for such a project?”
