The outgoing SP-Chef Christian Levrat was a magnificent loser. His apprenticeship on the national stage, the deselection of Christoph Blocher, the he landed on the SP-side with Alain Berset, although the SVP gained a short time before the elections, again, 2 percentage points, while the SP lost nearly 4 percent. Shortly thereafter, he was elected to the SP President. Then he managed to pull the CVP on its side and install together with small center parties, a center-left Alliance in the Parliament and in the Bundesrat. They held on until 2015.

four years Ago, when the rights in the elections by marched, it went to the ruck, zuck. First, Eveline Widmer was signalled smurf so clearly the deselection, that you yourself threw in the towel. Thus, the path was free for a second SVP Federal Council. Then FDP-Federal councillor Didier Burkhalter from the post pushed to the left and on to Europe he was the right-wing majority. Burkhalters biggest flaw was that he was often with the Left and with CVP Federal councillor Doris Leuthard for a centre-left majority in the Bundesrat. It was with the election of Ignazio Cassis over. An election, who wanted to prevent Levrat necessarily.

But who had thought that it would be over with Levrats influence, was wrong. In the Europe question, when the pension and corporate tax reform, he showed that without him. Although the SP with your own templates lost when people, almost always. Only the debacle of the SP in the elections in the previous month, a defeat was too much. The Problem for the left-Green is now that it Levrats are among the potential Successors of anyone who could pull in Bern, the threads of the policy as sent. Not even the Greens, who should be pushing for with their election victory in the Federal Council. The still do not know whether you want to put the question of power really, let alone with whom. Party President Regula Rytz has taken himself out of the race. You want to stay, if she wins on Sunday, Councillor of state – and if it loses, it is not a suitable Federal Council candidate. Your party friend, Bernhard powder is taking so long, until he missed his Chance. Something like that would be Levrat never happened.

So it looks as if the left-Green election victory would be missing. This despite the fact that Cassis has lost itself in Europe and in the Federal Council is isolated. This despite the fact that the CVP would be a win for cooperation. This is simply because it is in the left-green camp anyone who brings in the Federal government in Bern, the threads of Power together.

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Created: 16.11.2019, 23:26 PM