“The liberals’ annonsmiss being mocked on the net”
“the Liberals’ latest advertising did not go as smoothly.”
“– They would have chosen Lyon and Luleå in sweden instead, where it goes by train, ” says a road Morgan Lindström from SJ’s press office.”
“Kitty raises merriment on the net. But now the Liberals, as amended, to another allittererande pair of cities. It all happened a little too quickly, recognizing the pressekreteraren Eric Aronson.”
“– It goes by freight trains but no passenger trains. We changed it from Madrid to Kaliningrad instead. You get to laugh at it. But the message is good, it is a hugely important issue to sync tågbolagens bokningssajter, ” he says.”
“Corrected: In an earlier version was incorrect surname on the liberals’ press secretary.”