The world-renowned film director Stanley Donen, which is behind the iconic film ‘Singin in the Rain’, is dead. He was 94 years old.
The typing of several international media, including The Guardian and Reuters.
According to the media died Donen Thursday in New York after a heart attack.
Stanley Donen’s death. Photo: Sam Mircovich
Stanley Donen is originally from Columbia in the u.s. state of South Carolina. In the teenage years, he moved to New York to become an actor. He starred in several theatre performances, where he met his good friend Gene Kelly, as he has done much work with in the course of his life.
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In 1952, he got his big breakthrough with the film ‘Singin in the Rain’, which since then has gained a cult following.
Donen was also a highly respected man in Hollywood. In 1998 he received an honorary prize at the ‘Oscar’awards for his work in the film and musical.
Stanley Donen has, among other things, directed the films:
Singin’ in the Rain
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”
Two for the Road
On the Town
Damn Yankees
Funny Face