“The minister of finance on the crisis in care for the elderly: significant additional”

“Magdalena Andersson responds to Wage demands on the äldreomsorgslyft”

“Now answer the minister of finance Magdalena Andersson (S) on the Union’s demands for a äldreomsorgslyft.”

“She makes no secret of the fact that the government’s promised efforts on the 20 billion extra to 2022 is not enough.”

“– In the next term, it will require further large resurstillskott, ” she says.”

“Stress, too little staff and many staff on sick leave. Union president Tobias Baudin described in the paper Aftonbladet yesterday, a very strained and urgent reality in the care of the elderly.”

“– care of the Elderly suffer from chronic understaffing, he said, calling for a ”äldreomsorgslyft” with state money to municipalities and county councils.”

“”One of the really big areas””

“Magdalena Andersson gives Baudin right in that the needs of care of the elderly is very large and will increase as the elderly become more and more.”

“– He points at one of the really big areas in the coming years, ” she says.”

“it requires a hefty financial contribution to the care of the elderly would she also agree with. “

“the Government has previously promised the general government grant every year by 2022, a total of 20 billion during the term, to the municipalities and county councils. This stand, according to Andersson.”

“– Here it will be now five billion extra each year to municipalities and county councils, it will be a resurstillskott 20 billion during this term, but I see just as the beginning. During the next term, will require additional large resurstillskott, so I completely agree with Tobias Baudin about how important it is that we, as politicians, are able to prioritise this above other things, ” she says. “

“Magdalena Andersson believes, however, that also the municipalities themselves, as responsible for the care of the elderly, can do a lot to improve. “

“It is, for example, to review the terms and conditions for those who work in the professions, she says. Not least in order to attract young people to the jobs that exist.”

” today, there are many who are working shared tours or part-time, for example, and there is nothing that makes young people see this as a framtidsyrke. “

“In general the mean Andersson, municipalities must also ensure that young people and the unemployed are given the opportunity to educate themselves to omsorgsyrken, for example, through vocational and upper secondary vocational programmes.”

“– in Addition, you have to work with what you can do to streamline operations. But I mean certainly not to staff already running on the minutschema to run even faster. It is more about to see if you can use new technologies in smarter ways.”

“One example she mentions is-sensitive night cameras for older people who want to have the monitoring of the security system, but do not want the staff to come in and risk waking them.”

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