During Friday’s meeting, met with the responsible representatives of the Swedish association of local authorities and regions (SALAR), Inera and the Stockholm Region the minister of social affairs to report what has happened and what measures have been taken for something similar not to happen again.

”I have today received the news that it is safe to contact the 1177 Vårdguiden. The shortcomings that have surfaced in the media should be fixed. What has happened is unacceptable and those responsible must now ensure that something similar cannot happen again”, writes the minister of social affairs Lena Hallengren in a press release.

as Computer Sweden revealed that millions of vårdsamtal to 1177 Vårdguiden been available on an unprotected server for several years. The calls have been received by Medicall which is a subsidiary of the responsible health care provider Medhelp.

Earlier in the week, police announced that they have launched a preliminary investigation against Computer Sweden. So far no prosecutor engaged in the case.

A preliminary investigation has also been launched against Medhelp, vårdentreprenören who attended the service 1177, among other things, the Region of Stockholm. The suspicion relating to breach of confidentiality.

the Region of Stockholm has initiated an external review to investigate how Medhelp and the administration has handled security issues.