A 43-year-old Norwegian woman and mother to seven children is Tuesday at the district court in the sydnorske city of Kristiansand sentenced to 21 years in custody for the killing of his father and his former partner.
It is the harshest punishment in Norway.
the district Court decided that there was more conditions, as did, that the woman shall be deemed to be dangerous.
– We are very satisfied that the woman is convicted on all counts. This has been many years of very hard work, ” says efterforskningsleder of the criminal police Øystein Jørgensen.
the Woman will appeal against the verdict, and an appeal is already set to go in time 19. march in the high court.
Her defender had at the time of the case required that she be acquitted in all circumstances.
It is 17 years since the woman’s father was found dead in a bathtub in her home in Kristiansand.
– She has done this, she has made sure that he was in heavy drunken state took pills containing diazepam, and that she then, while he stayed in the bathtub at his residence, made sure he drowned, according to the ruling.
his Father’s tomb was opened in december 2017, and were found here by a post-mortem traces of the calming substances in the body.
In 2014 died her partner in a hotel room in the city. The cause of death was either poisoning or suffocation. She had two children with first elected head of government.
on Top of the two premeditated murder, the woman also been accused of having stunned a third man and to have pulled 150.000 Norwegian kroner on one of his credit cards.
In the judgment it states that there has been no mitigating circumstances. The risk, for that the woman will commit new crimes, is the reason that a fixed-term sentence of imprisonment could not have come at talk.
21 years of custody means in a Norwegian context, that the woman must serve all 21 years of age. Then the authorities by judgment, extend the sentence for five years at a time.
It is the same punishment as the terrordømte Anders Behring Breivik is sentenced.